Beautify your inside

Hi hivers, it's an amazing day for great content.
There is this funny saying that "what kills you, make you feel alive. " as much as that seems to be truth for most part, what doesn't kill you actually keeps you alive. So in the spirit of having to stay alive and not just feel alive, its important we beautify our inside with healthy food that our body would be so grateful it won't breakdown on us when we least expect it.

Grilled Chicken Salad

Love your body, it's the only one you would ever get. Do not follow trends of degrading your body With abdominal substances because its popular culture. No one would feel your pain with you when your trendy destructive lifestyle catches up to you.


Trust me I am in support of living a little (little bit of red wine etc) but not to detriment of your body.

this is the prestigious Nigerian Jollof rice (R) and fried rice (L)

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