Beyond the sunset

Just want to share my quick vacation. I love clicking shots and I love sunset.
Everytime I go to a beach, I always take photos of sunsets using my phone.

Here are some of photos taken yeterday at Caba, La Union Philippines

[My photographer keeps instructing me until he catched this scene]

My shots


While taking this scene, I am thinking about life which we grow older and weaker but we keep shining while still we can.


Taking photo of fishermen going to the deep part to catch fish.


The sun here taking its best shine while ascending and it really reflects in life when we are waving our last goodbye and a lot of people remember our impacts in their lives.

And let me share this photo of my photographer and his companion catching the sunset.


And also while waiting for the sunset I saw this buddies, first time we met but they are so lovely and friendly.


We play and just wnjoy the moment


Life is like a sunset, while the sun is descending, it creats beautiful and aesthetic view. It helps us realize that there are times we rise and fall. While we rise,some people will pull you down but when we fall, some people will pull you up. So, let us make every moment a movement and make destructions an inspiration, a motivation and a challenge to keep moving on.
Success is a journey and journey is a process.

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