Hive Stock Images: Larix sibirica, cones


We need more trees.

We, as the whole world. It terrifies me to see some people not caring of their, of our environment. We need the trees, the lungs of earth, alive and giving a home to various other plants and animals. A home when the tree grows and also after the tree falls down, keeping the ecosystem diverse. We need young, middle aged, old and dead trees, fallen trees, big and wide forests, trees in the city, in the fields, trees beside the roads and trees beside our homes. We do not need more lawnmowed grass fields, we need more trees! We need trees to regulate the temperature of the soil beneath our feet, we need trees to make the air purer and moist, we need trees for our mental health. We need trees.



I decided to do this post before I stumbled upon Hive Stock Images latest post: Stock Images Contest, win Hive and the potential for future earnings from your images.


Stock Images do not need more photos of trees (or do need but at this moment there are more important topics) but they do need more quality images of things that start with the letters J, K, U, V, Q, X, Y, Z. So go and read the contest rules and take part.


My photos in this post are licensed CC BY so you can use them also outside Hive.
Read more about it here:
Also you should read this if you are not already familiar with Hive Stock Images policy: @hive-118554/about-stock-images-and-important-information-please-read-first
And if you're thinking how to credit me outside Hive, here's how: @insaneworks/hive-stock-images-flowers


Coming back to the original topic of this post. Other than providing stock photos of cones. That is: we need more trees. I made few claims in the beginning of this post and what would those be but just empty sentences without proper fact checks and sources to my claims. There's actually plenty of info available that state the same things as I did as most of the things I wrote is old news.


Trees are the lungs of the earth.
Did you watch the video? I think it's breathtaking. Literally.

But how many leaves do you need for one human to breathe? To survive?
About 10.000 leaves or seven to eight trees, depending on various things.

Trees. We need them.


Not just a tree but a home.
Trees help the ecosystem. And it also goes both ways. Bringing wolves back to Yellowstone helped beaver populations, aspen and vegetation.

We need more wolves. And trees. Wouldn't want to be like Ireland.

Ireland needs more trees.


We need big and wide forests, not tiny patches of individual trees or occasional parks.

We need forests. Forests that have trees. In them.

We need trees!


Trees in the city. Purifying, bringing happiness, providing shade and cooling the city.

I need trees. You need trees. And...
We need trees!


For your mental health, for my mental health. For everyone.

Your head, body and mind needs trees. So does mine.

Here's the unfinished painting I started continued some time ago. I said that it needs words in it which are important, but you know what, so is the original idea too. The tree. We need words and people behind the words but we actually need deeds too. We need more trees.


As this last photo is in the same post as the stock photos and as I wrote that the photos in this post are licensed CC BY, that applies to this photo of this unfinished painting too. So if you happen to need a photo of a painting that has a sort of a tree in it and few words from a newspaper, here's one and you're welcome!

But it's still unfinished.

I'm very much out of my comfort zone now that I'm showing you an unfinished work without knowing will it be any good or will it ever even be anything else than just a weird mess of paint and newspaper.

But once I decided to do this, there's no going back. Wouldn't hold my breath waiting for me to finish it. Instead go do something more important. Like planting more trees and letting them grow so old that they fall on their own and after that, leave them where they are.

I've said it many times and I'll say it again and again and again, although just words aren't enough.

We Need More Trees.

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