Let's Go For A Ride [Rural Exploration]

We didn't have any other plans yesterday except to attend the morning mass and buy mom's diapers. We had the 8 am service and was done an hour later so we drove around the nearby shops to find one that is open as most establishments are closed during Sundays. We were just glad that we didn't have to drive farther away.

When we were about to leave, the husband blurted out, "let's go for a ride somewhere!" and quickly alighted from the car and went back to the shop only to come again asking what I prefer for a drink 'coz he was going to buy some snacks. After doing his lil shopping - water for me and a coconut-flavored sweet drink for him plus some things to nibble on, we drove off to where he had in mind.

Up the highest peak. The day was a bit overcast that taking photos was a challenge. It's like peeking through a thin layer of fog covering the places and even the phone camera lens. I couldn't see clearly what I was capturing so just like what I often do, point and shoot. So please bear with the photos, they are not of a professional.

Sometimes the outcome would be quite good, most times, just so-so. These shots by the way were taken while we were traversing the narrow country road leading up to the top of the mountains. I screamed at the husband when he was pulling over above a cliff. "Don't, don't don't!" those were my words but he wouldn't listen. "My legs are tingling! I'm gonna die!" I begged to which he laughed out loud and then moved away from the roadside.

Yes, turned out I have that fear for some reason. And I'm still working on it but not like that. "I just want you to take better photos of the landscape," his excuse. And whilst it may be true, I didn't like it.

Anyhow, here's one amazing view from up there. There's a small neighborhood tucked in the middle of the farm terraces. This actually reminded me of a comment I had on my post last year and I don't know if it was a compliment (but I took it as such anyway) saying whilst other people are sharing beautiful pictures of the malls and other commercial spaces in cities, I on the other hand is posting about farms, the countryside, mountains and such.

Guess it's how I show my love and appreciation of our place up here and even of other places where we get to visit. Having lived in various metro cities during my working years, I also was in awe of the things I saw in them. And if I was writing back then, I would probably have written mostly about them too.

Anyway, we went on with the drive, slowing now and then for a view of things around. It was good to see that they care about the natural environment up there, at least that's how I see it with this notice of "no cutting of trees" and the surroundings still green, albeit less trees.

And after almost an hour, we reached the peak.

No, it wasn't what you might be thinking. The top of the mountains are stretches of farmlands of different shapes and sizes, with terrains of almost flat to sloping and what else. Some with greens, most still brown. It's still the dry season after all and with not much source of irrigation, farmers up there would have to wait until May or June to start with their crops.

These tracks of land are ready, I believe. They had been plowed and fertilized. I presume they will grow carrots in there or perhaps potatoes, not sure though. I'm just mesmerized with the rows and rows of plots in them.

We kept on but then we reached a dirt road. Whilst our cow car is a 4x4, we were unsure how bad it gets when we go further so we turned around from this spot and drove back. The husband asked one of the guys we met some 20 minutes away and we learned that going farther through the rugged road, we would have come across a paved and improved road with a few intersections leading to different villages.

"Sayang" (What a shame) the husband mumbled with a hint of dismay from his voice of not being able to see what else beyond that road. "Oh well, we can always go back when we wanted to," I said with much assurance.

It was worth the drive. Another discovery made where we had our lungs filled with different air and our souls fed too. Aahh... the world is indeed big and beautiful - whilst we are yet to see 1% of it, we're glad to have explored a bit yesterday. And while writing this, an idea was born. Will probably share about it, hopefully soon!

Cheers to a happy new week!

Photos are my own. 24042023/09:25ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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