Scenes from a Bike - Edition 16 -Between two chimneys

Welcome to The 16th edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

Location: There are two chimney's along the train line just north of the CBD of Melbourne, Australia. The first is just north of Anstey station, and the second just north of the wonderfully named Batman station (not the caped crusader, but rather one of the white guys who 'discovered' Melbourne) these are the photos of what I found on the bike path between those two chimneys

Date & Weather: Saturday 4th of December - finally it's sunny, after we had the first November on record without reaching 30 degrees it's hot 30.2 today and I'm riding through it - lovely.

Equipment: Still trying out my new My Fujifilm X-T5, mated with the trusty the 16-80mm Zoom - and still loving this camera

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $92.92 from the previous 13 posts (with one awaiting payment) meaning I've paid for 7.5% of the bike and I have $1,017 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: This is one of the best bike paths around, most of it has been created in the last 5 years when they elevated the train line (we call it skyrail here) to get rid of road crossings and building new stations, creating a space underneath where the train tracks used to be.

Let's see what I found

Chimney 1 (1 of 1).jpg

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Here is the first chimney - I've shown this before - it has that giant mural of Jacinta Adern after the Christchurch massacre - I'm standing next to Anstey station on the left, bike track ahead

3 stations (1 of 1).jpg

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A bit further up the line at Moreland station and you can see the change here. On the left is the old station (100 or so year old) as well as the cute little community bookshelf version of it and above the new elevated station, and all the space created under it

The bike (1 of 1).jpg

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Hey look it's my bike and the many many 'piers' of the rail line.

PSO (1 of 1).jpg

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Look at this arty stuff - streams of light and everything

Robots (1 of 1).jpg

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Yeah there is some graffiti under here but I quite like some of it.

Coburg (1 of 1).jpg

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How this is a suburban railways station is beyond me - we have come a long way from a small red brick building a two strips of concrete.

Orange (1 of 1).jpg

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When you match your development to your train line

Patterns (1 of 1).jpg

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I even like the patterns in the concrete under the roads.

shed (1 of 1).jpg
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As we get past Batman the gentrification is stopping, and some of the old northern suburbs is peaking through

Chimney 2 (1 of 1).jpg
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And finally the second chimney - from the now very defunct Lincoln mills it operated here from 1919 to 1980 and made wool and other garments, what they needed a giant chimney for I'm not sure - it's now a shopping centre.

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