Scenes from a Bike - Edition 10 - Surprise Trip

Header (1 of 1).jpg

Welcome to The Tenth Edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

Location: I had no intention of going for a ride today, I had no intention of buying a new lens from my camera today, well not no intention I always have some intention, a sort of vague understanding of what lens should cost and therefore I know what is a good deal when I see it. Like I did today - when I saw a Fujifilm Prime 16mm F2.8 lens for $350 on facebook marketplace. I enquired, I arranged to meet someone at the train station about 10km from my house.

Date & Weather: Wednesday the 31st of August - Technically the last day of winter in Melbourne Australia, but it was sunny, so I thought instead of catching a train I could ride to Thornbury station, and what a decision, I had a vague idea how to do it, but it turns out it was almost all bike paths, firstly along an old train line and then up the middle of a road, between two tram lines, lovely. And a added bonus I got to try out the lens on the way home

Equipment: I've gone simple today - My Fujifilm X-T3, and a fixed lens - 16mm (about 24mm in full frame) nice and wide, not really what I need for this, most of the photos are cropped but it will come in use I'm sure, and it's sharp as a tack, tiny and I'm pretty darn happy with it

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $66.01 from the previous 9 posts meaning I've paid for 6% of the bike and I have $1,034 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos. Also if you look really close at the header photo which is a panorama you can see my bike lying on the groun at the bottom of the hill.

Other stuff: How good is spending you lunch 'hour' in the sun riding a bike - bliss

Let's see what else I found.

1 Art (1 of 1).jpg

f7.1, 500ISO, 1/250, 24mm
This artwork was just next to Thornbury station and is of great Aboriginal Australian leaders - it's the work of Adnate who is a local Melbourne artist.

2 Vacant (1 of 1).jpg

f9, 400ISO, 1/250, 24mm
If we didn't have record low unemployment I'm sure I could be making so wort of biting social commentary with this shot

3 Modern (1 of 1).jpg

f14, 400ISO, 1/250, 24mm
Nice little modern building, nivcely rendered by the lens

4 Very Modern (1 of 1).jpg

f16, 400ISO, 1/250, 24mm
I feel like this lens is going to get some use for architectural sort of stuff.

Second Last Art (1 of 1).jpg

8f, 250ISO, 1/250, 24mm
pretty tight spacing here and able to get in a fair amount of the artwork - impressive little lens.

Last - Hospital (1 of 1).jpg

f11, 250ISO, 1/250, 24mm
Towards the end of the ride I cut through Royal park, which allowed me to do a but of true 'wide angle' work. This building, or series of buildings is The Royal Children's Hospital, I'm on top of a pretty big hill.

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