A Moonlover's tale p6 - Pink Moon

Greetings Hiveans!

It's been a while for me. I've been busy, lots of changes in life and I regret not making more time to post. Luckily I do make some time for photography! It's a constant. Not always as active but there is always something to take shots of.

So last year I set out to practice my moon shots as much as I could. I was shocked to see that my last post about this was 5 month ago but here we are 😅.
Exhibit A: @gvkanten/a-moonlovers-tale-p5-the-eclipse

The Pink Moon

It all started at a random beach chill as we so often do on the island. I was actually busy with drone shots when I notice La Luna pop up! It was right in between golden hour and blue hour and it was coincidentally the new moon...

April 3rd
F 5.6 1/500 250 mm ISO 6400

Fast forward a couple of days. I've said this before and I stand by my words. Sometimes a half or 3qrts moon looks a lot better then a full moon and that's the case again here in my opinion. What do you think?


April 12th
F 11 1/500 250mm ISO 800

Finally the big night was here! Full moon!
I was ready, tripod set up... Ready for the mosquitoes 🤣🤣🤣..


The weather

But the weather had other plans. Clouds had other plans and they were very present. I hardly got a clean shot.
But... I just went with it. Clouds might just add another eliment to the mix and I've been looking to experiment more so this was yet another opportunity to do so.
These are the results. Both taken on April 16th.


F11 1/15 250mm ISO 800


Double exposure
F8 1/30 250mm ISO 800
F8 1/250 250mm ISO 800

Bonus just went for a walk tonight so quickly shot this!


That's it for me today. As always, questions, feedback and tips are all welcome in the comments below.



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