Summer Visit to Estonian Island, Vormsi

Vormsi is a small island in western Estonia, right next to the bigger islands. That was definitely not my first visit to Vormsi but this time it included more cultural sightseeing and a guided tour. The real reason why we went to the Vormsi in the first place was that we were celebrating my relative's 25th wedding anniversary and this was part of the celebration. Here I have some photos of the locations we visited.

To get around on the island. Our guides drove us around in these old soviet pickup trucks, that was pretty cool.

This is Olavi Church. I think I have been there and seen it before but I can't be entirely sure. Our guide talked a lot about this church and apparently, it's special for some reason but I'm afraid I have forgotten the info lol 😂


A couple of photos from the inside.


There is also a cemetery next to the church which has many unique circular gravestones or suncrosses.

By the way, the name Vormsi is of Scandinavian origin. It is thought that the name was given by an Icelandic Viking named Orm. During the second world war there were still many Swedish people living on the island.

We also visited the Vormsi watchtower which is 35m high and built in 1864. You can get a great overview of the coastal areas from the upper platform.




Down at the beach, you can find several tall pillars that people have built with the rocks found at the beach. I wonder if these are still standing. We have gotten pretty severe storms and high sea levels recently so chances are that these are leveled by now, especially the ones close to water.



Vormsi is a great island to visit once in a while. I have also visited this island during the winter when the sea was frozen over and an ice road was opened so you could drive your car over from the mainland to the island, pretty cool. If you ever visit Estonia and want to experience an island vibe then this is a great place to go to have a day trip or stay for a couple of days.


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