"Photography Lovers End of Year Contest"


My adventure this year begins with this photo, it means so much to me that really the feelings I have regarding this image is of infinite hate and love, I never thought that I could have a pet in my house since I am allergic and my mother I simply did not trust my brother and my sense of responsibility, so when the opportunity arose we decided to buy this Cuy, which we called CUCHO. Today she is no longer with us, she was the best and most wonderful pet in the universe, the one that accompanied me when I was sad, the one that woke me up every morning with her sounds of “mom give me food” and “mom come and give me all your love ”. I hate that he is no longer with us physically, although just as I have his photo, I also carry him in my heart.


My favorite version 1.1 photo is from a trip that I had as a father, it was to the current so-called State of La Guaira, located within the territory of Venezuela and near its capital, what I love about this photo is seeing my father's happiness, since he represents one of the most sacred figures for me and seeing him enjoy the panorama, the waves, the blue sky and the breeze is the greatest joy for me.


This photo is after my 22nd birthday, in September. In the image, what you should appreciate are these two great girls and wonderful people, who managed to organize their schedules to be able to spend a girl's day, the happiness in their eyes and mine shows how well we spent that day visiting the stores.


Just that week of my birthday I met this wonderful person, who today is my boyfriend, friend, confidant of mischief, companion of crazy things and work projects. For which I consider it to be one of the most beautiful photos we have together.


This box totally full of products was and represents my first financial adventure, in it I placed hope and faith so that everything that was inside could be sold and thus be able to evolve with my financial, personal and family situation, it should be noted that it was a success and Thanks to this I work harder for my goals.


In the same way, this photo for me represents personal improvement and it is not because of the establishment since it is not mine, but thanks to the support of my boyfriend I was able to venture to an unknown world called "clothing market" or "merchandise in clothing ”. Many told me at that time that it was not worth it, that I was going to fall and lose money, although from my new point of view and mentality I saw an opportunity for expansion, I saw personal growth by making new capital risk decisions and I surpassed myself, It is a stage of my life that completely marked me in the most positive way.


It should be noted that I also want to take the opportunity to show my love for photography, by capturing that unique moment where thousands of special factors can be appreciated that make those on the other side of the screen teleportable. I particularly love this photo, since you can see the wonderful view of the highway, of the mountains that make up Avila in part, the apartments and clean roads as if my country was not going through difficult times. That is why I will also leave some image accounts for the enjoyment of readers, images that do not necessarily have a very extensive explanation, images that I simply call "Freedom".


What I like about this image is that it represents the peace that the night gives.


Here I admire that light that hangs from the tree full of life and encourages us to be happy.


One of the most wonderful days of my life was to capture the beauty of Plaza Altamira from a shadow.


I like the different colors of the sea from blue to green and I loved the power of the breeze that I felt at that moment when I was able to take the photo.


Here ends my publication of my favorite photos of this year that almost ends.

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