That prick!

That bloody prick; never all that pleasant but sometimes necessary.

I don't like injections, it feels odd and far too invasive. This one is going to keep me alive though, at least that's its purpose. It's a big-ass needle though and I reckon it's going to fucken hurt, but the alternative isn't much of a viable option - dying rarely is.

It's for emergency situations, time and life-critical moments, and has to be plunged directly into muscle; Yeah, ouchy! When it was explained to me at the hospital I commented to the nurse about how much I'd expect it to hurt and she said, you'll not know about it until later G-dog, you'll be out to it - and without the injection that's how you'll stay so don't be a big baby.

A bloody cheeky one she was.

That got my attention though, and I figure I'd rather have a sore thigh after having been speared by this two inch needle than be dead, there's no coming back from the latter condition...although I'm coming back to fucken haunt some people, I promise you that. I have a list.

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I carry the needle-kit with me at all times, the syringe and medication vial, and my girl-person knows how to administer it; she has to do it as I'll be out for the count and unable to.

I have visions of her stabbing it directly into my heart with all the gusto and force of someone harpooning a bloody whale and I wonder what that might feel like but she assures me she'll probably not do that. The use of the word probably wasn't lost on me. So, I'm on my best behaviour these days to hopefully prevent a possible heart-harpooning from my girl. I think she said that on purpose so I behave.

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I've been in difficult situations before, ones that carry risk, however it's a different feeling walking around day-to-day knowing it could be my last and that I'm reliant on being harpooned in the advent of me having a situation.

I'm one of those guys who likes to be prepared and part of that the need to have control, maybe influence is a better word, over what I do and how I proceed be it thoughts, attitudes or actions and now...well, there's things I can't control I guess and I may have to rely upon someone needle-harpooning me, or at least having the presence of mind to call 000 to get the paramedics on-site to do what they know, save my life. I fucken hate not being in control of my life and it's caused me some stress lately.

I'm self-reliant by nature, I pride myself on it, but in this I'm not...I simply can't harpoon myself. It's been difficult to come to terms with that but I have; I guess that's one of my strong-points, the ability to adapt, overcome, stand back up, dust off and fucken move forward after being knocked down. I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried about getting harpooned with this needle though.

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Today a friend called me for a chat; he found out about my situation despite me telling almost no one in my real-life world - I think my girl called him to let him know I'd been in a bit of a battle over the last several weeks - he called to tell me something. You want to know what he said?

Cowboy the fuck up bro.

That's what he said. He said some other words first of course, g'day bro and all that, but then unleashed that sage piece of advice. Cowboy the fuck up bro. He didn't need to say much else, he'd made his point.

Isn't it strange how sometimes the most basic words can have the biggest impact? I knew I had to of course, I have no choice but to cowboy up, but it was like something fell into place when he said it and the thought of being needle-harpooned was no longer an issue. It all just made sense.

If I am out to it and in need of a good fucken harpooning there's two things that can happen. I'll come out of it or I won't. If I do not I'll not know about it and can get to haunting those on my haunt-list and if I do...I'll owe someone my life and thank them for saving me. There's not much else to it really. I'll be grateful if someone harpoons me though, of that I'm sure.

I grabbed these shots today using my light box. I know, it doesn't look much like a harpoon but I get the impression it'll feel that way when it gets jammed into my upper thigh with purpose...they'll have to remove my pants first though and I hope I'm wearing underpants that day. If not, well...surprise!

Getting injections sucks, for me at least, I simply don't like it. Does anyone actually enjoy it? I think not. How about you, do you hate needles too? Do you have any bad or interesting injection stories? Have you ever been harpooned like a whale? I hope someone actually has, I'd like to know how it feels so I can mentally prepare for it. Maybe you'd just like to make a general comment; either way feel free to reach out, I'm always happy to hear from you and will reply.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.

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