Random Photos, Random Stories

It's time for another post with a bunch of random photos thrown in the mix. Let's start with a sad story first.


It was the 15th of June, 2021, a nice sunny Saturday. I was out of town and on my way home, stopped and the hypermarket to do some shopping and saw a bunch of cacti at the gardening section. It's been years since I wanted to buy one, but never did for various reasons. When I saw them on the shelf, knew I'm not going to leave without buying one and I chose this cutie. To have an idea about the size, I placed it in front of my laptop. The pot was the size of a small glass, in what shots are served, so you can imagine how small it was. It's been two years since then and my little cactus has been growing nicely.


The above photo was taken on the 16th of July. I just got home from a trip and saw the bud. You can imagine how happy that tiny bud made me as I've been wondering when it's going to finally bloom and what color the flower will be. The problem was, I had to leave the next day, for 3 days and I knew there was a chance to miss the flower being open.


I got back on the 20th, in the morning and the first thing I did was to go to the balcony to see my cactus and this is what was waiting for me. I can't even describe the feeling of seeing my cactus flower already gone. It was yellow, most likely beautiful, with pinkish edges, but other than that ... I can't tell you more.

At some point I was thinking of taking it with me, so I don't miss the flower, but it would have been complicated, so I didn't. Now I have to wait one year to see the flower, IF it opens next year. Cacti usually flower yearly, but there's no guarantee for that t happen, so fingers crossed.


Landscapes! I love nice landscapes and I'm always taking photos if the weather is good. These hay rolls are working like a magnet for me, I just love them. This photo was taken from the moving car, so it's a miracle it's not blurry and relax, I wasn't driving.


That hill is most likely clay, but I'm not sure. Would have been nice to take a few close up photos of the layers, but there was no time to stop. It's always interesting to see the layers and texture.




There's no random photo post, without black and white photos and what better scene to choose, than architecture.


In this case I'm going to post both and let you decide which one is better.


I think I like the color version better, but the monochrome is not bad either.

This is the photo parade of the day, let me know which one is your favorite, if you have one at all. If you don't, that's ok too. We won't get into a fight for that :D However, I hope you like my little cactus bud as it was super cute. Even the closed flower, or what was left of it is cute.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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