Monochrome Portraits

After weeks of charting and trading, this morning I finally went to not one, but two exhibitions. I can tell you, it was much needed. It was a chance to step out the world of numbers and step into a totally different world, that I admire a lot, but can only participate in it as a visitor. It's fine by me, we can't be talented in every area.

First I went to a solo photo exhibition, by Botond Nagy. Saying I left with amazing memories is an understatement. I'm tagging @dimascastillo90 as I bet he will like it. It's his kind of photography and you'll see why.


Uncle Guszti

These photos are part of the "one photo worth a thousand words" category I suppose. I don't like this expression, but in this case, it is literally what these photos are.


The Outlaw

Would be nice if you can leave out the two points of reflection at the top and focus on the photo. Look at that face expression.



For many of you, this photo may look strange, but trust me, it's very original. People like the gentleman on the photo not only exist today, but some of them are still using those handmade, wooden rakes and unlike many of us, when it breaks, the first thing they do is not run to the tool shop, but to repair it themselves. Look at the happiness on his face. That is a genuine smile, not like all those fake smiles you see on social media platforms every day. This is why these photos are so valuable in my eyes. The angle the photo was taken is also very good.


Uncle Gyugyu

This photo beats everything. Look at the genuine smile on the old man's face. It is framed perfectly and black and white was the best option. The wooden fence is a nice plus to the rest. How can you not love it? In my eyes, this is an award winning one for sure.


The Sustaining Power of Faith

While looking at this photo, I was wondering if you see what I see, or if this photo is as valuable for you as it is for me. Old lady, sitting in front of the very simple wooden house, praying. This used to be a common scene decades ago and at some part of the country, it still is. The old generation still looks like the lady and some people sill live in such wooden houses. Their life can be characterized by hardship. Yet, they are happy with the bare minimum. Look at that face expression.


The Coal Burner's Pigeon

Hands. If you scroll back to the beginning of my post and check the photos again, you can see how much these people's hand can reveal. If I were to use a couple of words to describe what I see, I'd say hard work. Manual work all their life as they didn't have machines to help them.


Gaze Lost In The Past

A lovely shot, respecting the rule of third. Also I love how the old lady's face is highlighted, while the rest in the background is dark.


Playful Old Age

Funny thing about this photo is, that I can't remember it 😁. I took it today. I'm browsing all the photo and can remember all of them, but not this. However, it's a good one.


Who Knows What Tomorrow Brings

I'm not sure if it was intentional or just random by chance, but look at the old men, most of them have a mustache and beard, the kind you rarely see today. This is a lovely photo. Shame you don't see the colors as I saw them at the exhibition. The contrast was perfect, but my photos unfortunately can't replicate that, no matter how much I tried to fix them.


The Oven Has Already Cooled Down

This is the kind of photo that breaks my heart. Seeing these old people still doing the hard work life requires is heartbreaking. Behind he lady there's the oven, where they used to bake bread. Most likely it is not in use, but in the past it used to be as important as air or water.

Looking at these wonderful photos makes you think of what kind of life these poor people had and also makes you appreciate yours more.

It was a wonderful exhibition and this is just a part of the photos, there's more to come, so stay tuned.

Also, let me know in a comment, which one is your favorite.

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