Crazy Art - In A Good Way

Today I'm going to show you some crazy artworks from the creative art camp I talked about here. Buckle up as you're going to see a lot of interesting works you have never seen :)


István Makkai - Protected Stone, Do Not Carve!

This was quite an interesting one. A marble cube shaped stone, with metal protection on the corners, with a note that says protected stone, do not carve. Carving these stones is usually what artists do, that's how a sculpture is born, but this is the exact opposite. The artwork is the raw material itself. It's an interesting idea though.




Ionel Mihai - My Story

I'm going to leave this to you, to tell me what you think about this artwork. For those who don't know what they are seeing, it's an empty notebook, with ... I'm not sure what it is. Seems to be the root of a tree, but judging from the texture, could be vine too. I tend to believe it's the latter. So please, feel free to share your thoughts. Don't be shy :)


Gábor Hunor Veres - Like/Unlike

This was another interesting one and in 2024, I can understand it perfectly. Some people play this game from morning till evening. Distribute likes, because that's what is expected from them, that's the norm these days and if you don't follow the herd, you're considered a weirdo.


The stamp you see was on the floor and as quite big.




Lucza Zsigmond - Floragrams

Here's another riddle for you. Tell me how it was made. I tried to figure it out and took two close-up photo as well, to be able to show you a detailed part. My best guess is that it is printed on canvas, but I may be wrong.


Orsolya Bighirel - Back To The Origin


Each exhibition contains a lot of mysteries, even when the title is given. A title alone does not mean you understand what you're seeing or what the artist meant. It puts your brain to work and maybe that's the beauty of it. It makes you have a closer look, think, twist your mind, think again and so on.

You may think I have lost my mind for posting a photo of the top of a chair, but look again. Maybe you see what this means.

Let's go back to the artwork you see above. I mean the chair and the 4 print above it. What do you see? There are 4 prints, 4 stages of the artwork, till it got to the final stage. Each time an extra layer of paint was added to it.

The title says Back To The Origin. The question is, how are you looking at it? Starting from the chair? Or start at the top of the wall?


Apor Ferencz - Gold Mask

This was a big and fantastic photo. Unfortunately I couldn't get a better shot, because there was no space to get closer and in front of it. Regardless, you see the meaning. It's a shot of a welding workshop, with the gold mask highlighted.


Melinda Dobribán - Station - In Memory Of R.G.

This thing was actually filled with water and it gave me the heart attack, when I noticed it. good thing I didn't knock it down, in my attempt of taking a better photo of the welder workshop.


Borgó - Pseudosphere

After all the previous styles, this was a surprise.



Filip Gajewsky - Many Faces

I think this pile of wood can be the definition of strange at this exhibition 😆




Arkadiusz Ignaszak - And So On

This is kind of how I envision life. You try to build your life, placing a ring each your on top of the previous one, but life is not a straight forward thing. Some years are good, others are bad and others are even worse. This is how we are trying to keep the balance. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don't and there are times when you have to start over and put together all the pieces that have fallen apart. There are years when you don't build anything, maybe stake a ring back, or the ring you put on the top of the previous one is slim, or broken. That's life.

I'm not sure if the artist meant the same thing, but regardless, I love this one!


János Szirtes - Creek

I though after all these years I've seen it all, but to be brutally honest, I've never expected to see water samples at an exhibition 😁


Livia Moldovan - The Voice Of Time


Roxana Daniela Ader - Family At The Beach


Gábor Székely - Game Table

This was a pretty low table, most likely for kinds, the kind you see at daycare or kindergarten.



Annabella Orosz - Pillar Head

No, this is not the X, ex Twitter logo.

So this is it people. I hope you have a favorite as there are many interesting pieces here. Let me know in a comment :)

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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