Colorful World

As I mentioned in my previous art posts, these days I'm not just open to any kinds of art, but I'm looking forward to seeing new techniques and concepts each time I'm heading to an exhibition. Somehow out of the box interpretation seems more interesting to me these days.

Another area that I started to like nowadays is the biblical and historical scenes in art. This is not new, but each artist has their own vision and stye and no matter how many times you see those scenes and people in art, you always see something new.


Liviu Soptelea - Guardian Angel
Liviu Soptelea - Here And There

The Guardian Angel is a very unusual one. If you have a closer look, the angel has the head of a human and it is connected with the eye. The wings are fiery red, but does that mean fire?

The one on the right is a complex one as well, containing lots of religious and spiritual elements. I'll let you analyze it as I'm not good with religion and spirituality. It's not really my world.



This is another painting in which nothing is what it seems. The petals have eyes and look like they are the head of birds, there are hands coming out of the ground and so on. This is how the artist depicted a dream and it's not surprising as dreams sometimes have little to do with reality and what's not possible in real life, it is possible in our dreams.


Karmen Golumbeanu - The Light

This is a combo of 3 canvases. I'm not saying this is rare, but it's not very common eider. I've seen a few so far, but not many. For me this one is a bit strange, because the two on the left are somehow similar, the the third one on the right is very different, containing only one spot of light on the dark canvas and a slim ray of light. These two elements can be found on the first canvas, but arranged a bit differently. It's a bit of a mystery to me, can have different interpretations, but it's a good one.


Mária Schneller - Silence

In the gallery, it seemed to me that I've seen this painting before, but now I'm not sure. Maybe I'm mistaking it for another, who knows. In this case, I looked at the painting and thought, how calm everything is there. This can feel good, if your life is a constant rush and stress and this is basically the purpose, t make you feel good. Then I saw the title and indeed, it confirms my thoughts. Where there's only nature, there's silence, or just the sound of nature.


Mária Schneller - Silence

Seeing a fallen tree in the water is never a good sign as it means its life is over, but it's the course of nature, it happens and it becomes home to the underwater life. What I like here is how the artist chose to depict the reflections. The water surface is like a mirror, just like in real life.


Dalma Nagy - Omen

For those of you who are not familiar with the term, here it is:

An omen (also called portent) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change. It was commonly believed in ancient times, and still believed by some today, that omens bring divine messages from the gods.

These omens include natural phenomena, for example an eclipse, abnormal births of animals (especially humans) and behaviour of the sacrificial lamb on its way to the slaughter. Specialists, known as diviners, variously existed to interpret these omens. They would also use an artificial method, for example, a clay model of a sheep liver, to communicate with their gods in times of crisis. They would expect a binary answer, either yes or no, favourable or unfavourable. They did these to predict what would happen in the future and to take action to avoid disaster. source


I cropped the photo for you to see the texture and the colors. I was standing in front of this painting, looking at it in details and thinking what can you do, how can you obtain these subtle color changes. Unfortunately I have no experience in painting, to be able to figure out the answer, but I love the result a lot. Look at that slim green light going round the ball, highlighting the top and the bottom and the shade on the left side. It shows you how talented the artist is.


Dalma Nagy - Phenomenon

A somewhat similar painting from the same artist. Although you may not see much on this canvas, it's a total mystery to me and I can value it quite a lot.


Eduárd Csupán - Sunflowers

Most of the artists chose to paint sunflowers in a vase, or against the blue sly. I love that setup as the blue color highlights the lovely yellow petals, but in this case we have a different color combination, which makes it more interesting in my eyes. The whole painting has a bit of a muddy color, but that's not a disadvantage in my eyes. Look at how nicely the reflection of the lights can be seen on the leaves. As if the leaves are shiny.


Rodica Zamfira Pop - Siamese


This painting had no label, so all I know is that the artist is Vescan, the name I can see on the canvas. It's a very colorful painting, and in this case, the vivid colors are lovely in my opinion. I can see some birds, maybe a dolphin? You tell me.


Rodica Vescan - Water And Fire

The same artist as before, with a different painting, but somewhat similar in style. I like both paintings and I don't know which one I would choose, if I had to. Maybe both.

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