Canvas & Leather

After a week of trading and studying, it feels good to disconnect my brain from charting and get back to art. Art is my distraction, it's a means that relaxes me. Don't get me wrong, I love trading and can't wait to see the charts, but after a few hours, it's nice to have a break. Tomorrow, if things go well, I'm going to visit two new exhibitions.

I was looking at my folders and saw there are photos from the last exhibition I visited and need to show them to you. My goal with this exhibition has been to show you how many different styles one artist can have. It was my lucky day when I visited Erzsébet Kulcsár's exhibition. You can go back and read my previous posts about the exhibition, to see how different the artist's style can be.


The first painting I saw it is not posted was this and put a big smile on my face. Those of you who are following my posts regularly, may know why. For those of you who don't, here it is. The colors used by the artist are jest perfect for my taste. I love blue and combined with a certain shade of green makes me feel good. This tree seems to break out of a sea of blue color and grows into as much blue as the bottom of the painting.

None of the paintings had a title, do it was left to the visitors to decide what they are seeing. If I were to give a title, I'd say "stand out from the blue". I love how the frame's color matches the lovely blue. If you take a step back and look at it as if it would be on your wall, it might look a bit sad and/or depressing, because it's a bit dark, but not for me. I'm curious to know if you feel the same. I'd be happy to own this lovely canvas.


A very different painting, but somewhat similar to the previous one, due to the blue dominance. I can tell you from the start, that the red frame has to go, I don't like it as it creates a huge contrast and it's a distraction, but the painting is lovely. The scene is a bit tempestuous, I see an angry see and maybe wind too, but I like it. There's a mystery hidden on the canvas. I can see a face there, which most likely it is a hill. Am I the only one to see it? I can see this next to the previous painting, but only if I can change the frame.


A glimpse into what the Moulin Rouge collection, which go its name from me, because to me it seemed like those partial paintings are depicting parts of a can-can dancer. You can see the paintings in details here. It's interesting because it's made of leather.


This artwork, although also made of leather, seemed different then the Moulin Rouge collection, of I just couldn't connect it to it. Regardless, look at this beauty.


The most important part of the artwork, without any doubt, is the two faces. Being made of leather, makes it more valuable because working with leather is more difficult, due to its rigidity. Yet, look at the expression of this face.


This is a bit different, but just as valuable in my eyes. I'd love to see how it is done, what is beneath the leather, to form the face.

As much as I love it, honestly I can't give it a title. It's quite confusing.


Hiding under the blanket?


I took a photo from the side to see it's not flat. My best guess is, there's a wooden form beneath, which is covered with the leather. But I don't know how the artist made the leather follow the form perfectly.


This was a different artwork, but it could be the front view of the same silhouette, with the blanket and the sheets arranged differently. I absolutely love it. The colors are perfect and the frame is a lovely match tot he colors.


This was a total mystery to me. I can't decide on what I'm looking at. It could be part of the upper body of a lady, or I don't know. You tell me. I suppose your guess is as good as mine.


This was the cherry on the cake. No doubt the title could be "The Dance". Or "The Tango". Look at the dress of the lady.

Something I need to mention about these artworks is the background. Compared to oil or acrylic paintings, where you have all the colors in the world at your disposal, here your options are limited, due to the use of leather. Yet, I find the backgrounds lovely. Simple and amazing.

I hope you like these artworks as much as I do. Let me know in a comment.

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