Back To Photography

After that interesting art exhibition, let's get back to photography, which is more accessible for us all. Maybe not at this level you're going to see today, but close. Unlike a couple of decades ago, when cameras were only available for a selected few, today most of the people have a camera in their pocket all the time. It's up to you how you use it. With a bit of effort, you can take good photos too, though.

As I mentioned before, I like these photo exhibitions because you can not only learn a lot from those photos, but you can also travel to far away places just by looking at those photos. You can learn about new cultures, meet interesting people throughout the shots.


Or you can just imagine you are free as this nice bird and you can fly.

This cute birdie however, is a hunter, as the title of the photo says, and it is not so friendly to small animals, which usually serve as meals for them. The beauty of this photo is the rarity of the moment. These birds have their own territory and that's definitely not the city. So to get closer to them, you need to find their place. I love how the bird is the colorful spot on a plain green background.


Bird Fight II.

Talking about precious moments of life, I think it's safe to say this would be one of those and lucky are those who can capture such a moment. Lucky? Maybe you need a good dose of luck, but it also means endless hours of observation. I love it! Not the fight as my heart is aching when I see animals or birds fighting, but the photo is definitely exceptional.


If you thought the first two photos were exceptional, look at this. The photo is called Life Behind The Fog and that's exactly what this photo shows. If there's one thing I envy regarding photos, that is photographing fog. I've been waiting to capture some foggy scenes each year and the last one must have been like 3 years ago. No chance where I live as we only get 3 or 4 days in November, if we're lucky. The past years the fog was not thick enough for my plans.

Back to the photo, it's amazing how the photographer captured the birds on the move as well.


Early Fair

Another wonderful photo, I just can't decide which one is more beautiful, the golden light or he two birds flying above the water. Tell me, which one you like the most. The other thing I like here is the calmness and the quiet that this photo suggest. Maybe it's obvious, or not, but those are the two things I would need now the most.


Looking At The Tree

This photo may look staged to some of you, maybe you think this bear is from some circus, but trust me, if you live in my country, the chances to see a bear roaming around free is pretty high. Unfortunately the number of them is too high and walking in the woods or camping has become very dangerous. It's a nice opportunity to take such a photo, but extremely dangerous too. The photographer captured a very nice moment as these four legged beasts don't walk on two legs or stand too often.


Autumn Signature

I remember I've seen this photo before at another exhibition, but can't remember where exactly. It's a drone photo, but a very good one. I need to find out where it was taken because I'd be happy to visit the place. Apart from the beauty of the place, look at how well nature and man were able to create something amazing. The title of the photo is perfectly chosen in my opinion. Fits the photo perfectly.



As wonderful as this photo is, I'm a bit surprised that the photographer opted for monochrome. I suppose they wanted to focus on the lines, rather than colors. It's a very nice capture.

This is it for today people. You know the drill, let me know in a comment, which is your favorite, if you have any.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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