Art You've Never Seen

When you go to an exhibition, you never know what you'll find. Even if you know the title, the theme of the exhibition, or the artist, you can still see artworks that you didn't expect. Imagine when you know nothing about what you're going to see. At this exhibition there were more than 30 artist exhibiting, so it was obvious I'm going to see a lot of different styles.


Imre Berze - Elementary Forms

This is definitely not the usual artwork you expect to see at the gallery, but it's very unique and I can't say I don't like it. What I like the most about it is exactly how unusual it is. There are 49 forms pinned to the board and you can't find two similar ones.



Levente Kiss - Spatial Form

This was a super cool project. I see it as art and physics together. Most likely these gear wheels are rotating as I saw the artwork was connected to electricity, but did not ask to be turned on. I can imagine how it works and if you can too, without seeing it in action, that means you have either seen similar thing in use, or you have a good dose of imagination. The funny thing is, I can't recall if I've ever seen such thing, but can imagine how it works.

The artwork itself seems scary and dangerous, but it's brilliant. I love the metal that was used to create it, the color and the matte finish is a plus.


Bogdan Nueleanu - The Hero

To me, it looks like a hero holding a flag. The flag has a hole in it, which could mean a bullet hole, but we don't know that. The Romanian flag had a hole in the middle, right after the 1989 happenings, because the crest was cut out for a good reason. Which one is it this time? We don't know, but it's a nice work.


Károly Bálint - Morning

A lovely sculpture from every point of view. The silhouette of the woman is amazing, the smoothness of the sculpture, the texture of the wood, the color and the pose as well. Too bad the light wasn't the best and I never use my flash at any museums.


János Gyarmati - One of Many

Absolutely brilliant! Both the idea and the execution of the artwork in my opinion. Initially I didn't want to comment, or explain this one but maybe you don't see it as I saw it (from different angles) at the gallery. What you see here is four people with their head down and one decided to keep their head held high.


David Dorel Morar - The Bird

I'm afraid this will remain a mystery in my eyes. All I could see was that the artist used or recycled the raw materials of this composition. The wood had traces of wood-beetle and the nails were rusty. It was interesting though.


Barna Gábor - Golden Age

This gold bar reminded me of another artwork, that was made of gold bars like this, but there were many. I can't remember when I saw those, so I can see if the artist is the same. It made me smile though :)


David Olteanu - Moon Differently


János Gyarmathy - From Jesus's Life

Different phases of Jesus's life, wonderfully executed. The idea is amazing. I'm not very religious, at least not to a degree, to buy religious artworks, but this, from artistic point of view is fantastic. The bottom one is about this kiss of Judas after which, we all know Judas is betraying him. There are a few coins there as well, symbolizing the betrayal, then him carrying the cross and the last one is about him on the cross and the praying Madonna above.


Attila Nagy - Obelisk

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, and played a vital role in their religion placing them in pairs at the entrance of the temples. The word "obelisk" as used in English today is of Greek rather than Egyptian origin because Herodotus, the Greek traveler, was one of the first classical writers to describe the objects. A number of ancient Egyptian obelisks are known to have survived, plus the "unfinished obelisk" found partly hewn from its quarry at Aswan. These obelisks are now dispersed around the world, and fewer than half of them remain in Egypt. source

A lovely obelisk, not only for the nice wood used but also for the design.


Ádám Baróthy - Ferenc Dávid

At first glance, I thought this gentleman is Franz Liszt, the Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, and teacher of the Romantic period. He had such long hair, but I was wrong.

Ferenc Dávid (also rendered as Francis David or Francis Davidis; born as Franz David Hertel, c. 1520 – 15 November 1579) was a Protestant preacher and theologian from Transylvania, the founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania, and the leading figure of the Nontrinitarian Christian movements during the Protestant Reformation. He disputed the mainstream Christian doctrine of the Trinity, believing God to be one and indivisible. source

I didn't know who Ferenc Dávid was. Should have rung a bell, but it didn't. I'm not Unitarian, it's not my religion, but in the hindsight, maybe I've heard of him. Anyway, what I like about the statue is the face expression, those definite lines.

It was an interesting exhibition, with a lot of exceptional artworks. I hope you can find one that you like.

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