Amazing Graphics And A Poll

Today is the day to try out the poll option created by the PeakD guys. I finally found how to drop the post containing the poll in a community. Yes, I should have read their announcement post first. No problem, never too late.

Now that I have the poll option, I thought I'd show you the last batch of Tamás Vass, the most complex artist I've seen lately.



Although the body of the man you see looks like drying out, this graphics is very expressive, with a deep meaning. In my eyes, the man is longing for a thriving life, which is symbolized by the rose, the flower. But the flower is held by a snake, which we all know it could be venomous and those who know the bible, also know the snake is the symbol of temptation and sin. The skinny body most likely symbolizes his struggle in making a decision. I'm curious to know what are your thoughts on this. It's a very expressive artwork, sad as well, so as much as I admire it, would not hand it on my wall.


The Winner

If you go back and check what graphics I've posted from Tamás Vass so far, you will see that this pyramid shape is a recurring thing in his art. A bunch of people forming a pyramid.

The Winner is a special one in my eyes and symbolizes the road to the finish line, figuratively, of course. Every medal has two sides. The shiny one you see when the medal is handed out, which symbolizes the victory, but there's the other side, that symbolizes the pain, he tears that one has to endure till they get to the top. Look at the obstacles, the struggle these people have to go through to get to the top and only one can be the winner. It's a fantastic one.



Suburban Sunday


This graphics was created in 1977 and back then life was very different. Sunday was the only free day as Saturday was a workday, so people used their only free day to do what they pleased. The reason I like this so much is its simplicity. Look at the buildings, only simple lines, shadows, but used the right way.

If you're familiar with what life is like in a village, or in a small town, you can see that here, perfectly depicted.


Street In Brancovenesti

Pencil drawing on brown paper, which is something I love. It looks better than white paper, because the contrast between the two colors is not huge. Again, the simplicity of the drawing makes it so amazing!


Ode II.


There's a poem in Hungarian, just don't ask me to translate it :)) It's a nice one, but the drawing is more important here. Again, the keyword is simplicity, but that doesn't mean the drawing is simple. On the contrary. Look at the details, the man's hand for example, the foot of the lady, or her upper body. The artist managed to depict an intimate moment between the lovers. I love it!


Ode IV

This was a series of quite a few pieces, but only three were displayed at the exhibition. This one is just as exceptional as the first one.

I need to mention the frame, which is perfect for these drawings.


Ode VI.

Now that you saw all the three drawings, you realize this is a series depicting intimate moments in a couple's life. However, reading the text, the last one reveals the and suffering thoughts of one of them. I don't know if it's the woman or a man, but judging from the text, they are not together anymore. I mean the characters, of course. It's a series of remembering the past. A very nice one, but sad as well as breakups are never something to enjoy, especially when one of them is suffering and that's clearly the case here.

This is it for today. You have the poll at the bottom of the post, so please vote the one or the ones you like, as multiple choice is possible here.

Also, don't forget to share your thoughts in a comment too, so we can discuss them.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


Amazing Graphics And A Poll
The Winner
Suburban Sunday
Street In Brancovenesti
Ode II.
Ode IV
Ode VI.
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