A Surprise Exhibition

I knew about this exhibition and wanted to visit it at any cost. So this morning I made time and stopped by the exhibition room to have a look and take photos as well. It is a special one, but at this point I won't tell you why. Just bear with me, look at the paintings, form an opinion and at the bottom of the post I'm going to reveal the reason why I saw this one as special.


This was the first scene I saw when i stepped into the gallery.

And I think I can't keep the secret till the end of the post, so I'm telling you now what it is. The artists of this exhibition are high school students, in their penultimate year.

As I always say, I go in without any expectations, most of the time I don't even know who's the artist or artists and that's the best approach if you ask me. Here, I knew the artists are teenagers, school kids if you like, so this changed everything. It's not like I had any expectations, but it made me more curious. There were 15 artists exhibiting, each of them with several artworks.


This was the first one, an interesting illustration of a medieval city, with a tall tower.


I need to mention that the paintings had no title, so it was again a guessing game, I mean leave the viewers decide what they see or what they want to see.




At this point I was thinking maybe they got a topic, possibly abstract and that's what they illustrated on canvas. The poster said nothing, the exhibition had no total, so ti was a total mystery. But I was wrong. The arrangement of the paintings made me believe that.



What do you see here? Can you describe it?


Or here?


I loved the one on the top, with the houses.


I have to confess, I've been to a bunch of exhibitions, in big European cities as well, but I've never seen any, like this.


A nice still life from the times when electricity was not yet invented.

And this is the part, where I can't upload the next photo. I understand it's a temporary thing, but it's getting annoying and time consuming. Trying, failing, trying, failing. I'm not used to wasting time with this game.


Another still life, an interesting way of illustrating those items.



Another still life, a different style. I've seen a lot of still life paintings, but never such one. I love it by the way.


And another special one. I have a thing for artworks that contain old newspaper. I can't explain why, I don't know, it's just a thing I like. This newspaper, or magazine was not just any paper. It was written in Hungarian and it was about time and duration. It was a very good idea.


This is the first part, but not the last one. Stay tuned as there's more to come. I hope you can find one you like. Maybe it's just me, but I was glad to see so many young talents. I hope in a few years I'm going to see more amazing paintings from them.

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