Views from the #HiveMeetupAachen 12

Number 12 in Aachen

We had a great time and a lot of knowledge exchange with all the people who attended the meetup.

We as well agreed on doing it more often in 2024 in Aachen to reach out to Benelux and Germany to have this more international.

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picture by @detlev - free to reuse

Hey Hive Family
let us travel the world again
and meet Hivians

We had merch

With a big big thanks to @tibfox and our lovely people from @valueplan like @guiltyparties and @crimsonclad we got a nice pack of #Hive merch that I give to all the attendees of the #HiveMeetupAachen.

picture by @detlev - free to reuse

From now on, the morning coffee for @achimmertens and @annasdiary & @chrislybear will be served in such a nice Hive coffee mug and will kick them with a big smile into the day.

The meetup

At the secret place at the end of the bar, we got a table for up to 8 people to celebrate our #HiveMeetupAachen

picture by @detlev - free to reuse

The first few drinks

As you see, @achimmertens had a white beer and @detlev was more happy with a citrus hop and fresh & light starter. Don't ask for the name of the beer.

picture by @detlev - free to reuse

The monkey is the logo of the bar. Hopfen & Malz use that dude in many places. See the nice Hive business cards at the table and some Hive shirts and satchels as well.
picture by @detlev - free to reuse


First of all, you need to have some food before the beer. Otherwise, you might get different results or just drunk.
picture by @detlev - free to reuse

Our teacher Arno needs to get a Hive account as he might be a great member of our beery world

picture by @detlev - free to reuse

We had some first results with all these Trappist beers, but this will be a different post.

picture by @detlev - free to reuse

Two more to go....

After the tasting, the next Hivians @bechibenner & @werkseber showed up, got some nice talks going, and left the place with a lot of the merch.

Believe me, we talked about many things on Hive. A lot of downvoting topics, including the roots of Hive, the history and the fork, the different communities, and even about the HiveFest and the next bigger meeting in Hamburg in April with @tibfox and @reiseamateur and @arcange (who sadly couldn't come to Aachen).

Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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have 3 pics and a story
around beer - and go!

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