Can't believe it's already been 4 years


Time really does fly. It is hard to believe that 4 years ago, I was traveling from the Southern US, all the way up the East Coast and ending in Washington DC. I was part of a team of photographers and artist creating a history book about the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement in the US.

The whole trip lasted about a month long and we covered thousands of miles during that time traveling to the different locations where major battles took place, or to different places that played a big part in shaping the Civil Rights Movement.

I am going to have to find some cables that I can use to access the hard drives that have my images from that trip. I almost lost all of the images during the trip due to a hard drive failure, but luckily I was able to salvage the majority of them. Now they are stuck on a hard drive that I don't have access to at the moment. Sometimes technology can be so dumb.

It was so cool to visit the different plantations of the south and see so much history. The last image is of the Angel Oak in Charleston, SC. It is estimated to be around 500 years old and it is massive. It was so cool to be up close to such an amazing tree. Some of its branches were over 150 feet long.

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