Almost harvest time


Not much longer...


It seems like forever since I had a harvest but my green crack is almost ready to go. I am guessing that I have about a week left.


The buds are really fattening up and getting covered in trichomes. Right now the majority of them are still clear, but some are starting to turn that milky color that lets you know they are reaching their optimal THC levels.


When I was in there this morning getting pictures and watering everything, I had turned off the filter and fan so that I could hear my music better and the room filled up pretty quickly with the amazing smell of flowering cannabis.


This one has a slight fruit smell to it and I am sure that all the smells will get stronger as it gets closer to harvest and then the true smell will come through as the terpenes are released while it cures.


This is probably going to be one of my largest autoflower harvests because this plant had so much time by itself in the tent soaking up all the lights.


She was drinking about a gallon of water a day up until about a week ago when I did some defoliation and cut off a bunch of leaves because it was getting very bushy and I didn't want to block any light to the seedlings that had just sprouted. Ever since I cut all those leaves off, she isn't as thirsty and drinks about 2 liters a day.


I gave her a final feeding of nutrients this morning with about 4ml of the Buds and Blooms and then 15ml of Big Bloom. I mixed that in a 1 liter bottle and then gave the plant 2 more liters of water to really soak the soil and push the nutrients down.


I used to just spread out the nutrients over several liters when I was watering, but I have found that doing it this way keeps the nutrients from sitting on the top layer of soil and they get absorbed a lot easier.



I will be watering this plant with nothing but water from here on out until she is ready for harvest. I think she will fatten up a little bit more. I may end up harvesting her in different stages to allow the lower branches some more time to progress.





All of the babies are doing awesome. I gave them their first nutrient feeding today. It was a mixture of the Let Me Kelp You and the Grow Big vegetative nutrients from FoxFarm. I did the same thing with these as I did with the green crack where I watered the soil first with the nutrients and then let them soak in a bit and then watered them in further with about a half liter of water.


I can't wait to see how the purple punch and purple lemonades look in about a month and a half when they start to flower.


Hopefully I get some pretty cool looking colors from them. The purple lemonade is supposed to be really colorful and the purple punch is supposed to have some really cool looking leaves, but the buds aren't as colorful as the purple lemonade. It will be awesome to see how they progress though.


I think with the little ones I have in the tent now, I am going to try and keep the branches under control a bit better and keep it trimmed up a lot more. I will probably have less branches on them as well because the tent will be getting pretty cramped during their later stages.

Well, thanks for stopping by and checking out the progress of my grow. Big things are coming over the next couple months, so make sure to follow and stay up to date. You are awesome.

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