Street photography from a car at 40 miles per hour.

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Elderly woman at a bus stop in Santa Fe,Havana.

Hello, all photography enthusiasts, how are you doing?

Today, I'm sharing some pictures I took from the passenger seat of a car I was in. I took advantage of having my camera in its backpack and decided to take it out for some shots. I don't usually do this; capturing photos from a moving vehicle isn't my preferred method. However, I saw it as an exercise to improve my reflexes and, at the same time, show you a bit of my country beyond the well-known tourist spots often seen on the internet.

Today is not my best day, I'm a little sick but I think I'll be back to 100% soon.

Anyway, I didn't want to stop showing you some shots, I think the next time I'm in the same situation I'll do the same, it's an interesting exercise to increase reaction speed.

I used a high speed to freeze the people and things photographed.

So, without further ado, I'll provide a brief description of the exact location or share some interesting facts with each photo.

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Once, a pine grove was cut down to create a car park; today we see the effects of poor decisions with a quite arid and dry land.

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Jaimanitas: People are waiting for public bus.

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Leaving Jaimanitas, on the left is a place known as Fusterlandia, and on the right side of the image, there's an elementary school.

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The place called La Estrella, named for interventions on many streets.

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Empty and non-operational gas station.

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Bridge: underneath flows the Quibú river, which crosses a significant part of Havana.

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The roundabout at the main bus terminal in the Playa municipality.

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31st Avenue: one of the main transportation routes in the capital.

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The route is from a town west of Havana called Santa Fe, both this town and the next one, called Jaimanitas, have strong fishing roots. But hey, that's another story to tell.

Camera.Canon 6D Mark II + 50 mm 1.8
Natural light.
Revealed.Adobe Lightroom 2022
Location.La Habana, Cuba.


Thank you for reading.😃

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