Time Flies &

Life Happens When You Are Busy Making Other Plans

I wanted to make a post to say that I have been extremely busy the last week or two. We are in the middle of moving with our new kitten and ten month old boy! I also had an accident on our electric bike and broke a rib. We also have tried to prepare for company visiting from Chile. We don't get family visits often to Sweden from Chile for obvious reasons. So, this was a once (hopefully more) in a lifetime event. Needless to say, i have had to put my work curating and community management for Hive on the backburner.

I had a lot of IKEA items to assemble and anyone that knows how amazing the instructions are knows that was just another layer of stress under time constraints. Not the best photo but you can see my boy, our cat, and me trying to manage the assembly process for a piece of furniture!


I think it goes without saying that things have been crazy and amazingly stressful.

Mucho LOCO


But, I constantly remind myself of how blessed we are and how much joy we have in our life! It was incredible to meet some of my extended family from Chile! One cousin and her significant other flew to Germany for a wedding and decided to swing by Sweden whilst in Europe. Another cousin from Chile brought her partner that is from the Netherlands. Then my partner's dad and his wife also came. So, we had a full house and a lot of hosting duties to do along with the diaper doody too! (hahaha pun fully intended)


After one cousin and her mate from Netherlands left we travelled back to Kalmar to spend some time at Åskar's grandpa's place. You can read some more about Kalmar if you are interested from that link or if you want to scroll down my blog. I made a few posts from there one of the last times we visited Papito!

He was a political refugee from Chile during the revolution in that country. They released him from a torture prison and put him on a flight to France. He eventually made his way to Sweden and the rest is history for another time. You can see Super Mario in the Swedish wig in the photo below.



So, we had some travel along with the company and moving and all the other things that have been occupying my time. I started a power down to have a little extra money for this extended period of family reunion and travel. My power down doesn't negatively affect my account and has nothing to do with my commitment to Hive. However, with my fortunate luck Hive took a shit price-wise just in time for me to finally take some of my rewards. Go figure!?!

I wanted to give an update not only to say sorry/not sorry for taking some time off. But I do always feel bad when I don't get to spread rewards around curating for OCD and encourage the regular users in the Alien Art Hive and Photography Lovers Communities. I can't remember ever getting 8 or more days behind. My nativity actually believed I could still keep up and manage a little time for Hive but I was obviously VERY wrong about that. hahahaha


But the company has departed and now that the dust is beginning to settle I will be back to as regular as life allows with my curation and community management duties. Thank you for your patience and understanding for anyone that's reading this. I appreciate the friends and sense of community we have here on Hive. I mentioned the opportunity that Hive might provide for the impoverished family members suffering from Chile's poor economic status. They were very interested but I told them we could get into the details at a later time.

I must also say, growing up in Texas I have a mild amount of Mexican Spanish in my reserves.... but the triple language barrier of Swedish and Chilean Spanish combined with English was an absolute brain fry for us all!

Houston We Have a Problem


I still intend on posting about our new Norwegian Forest Cat but haven't had the time. So, this photo below will have to suffice for now. I also must say that she is growing at an incredible rate just like my boy. They are both so cute together and it's beautiful to see them bonding at this age of development for them both.


Having said all of that this was one of the coolest family visits ever. Underneath all the stress and hectic schedules there was so much love and laughter. We had a great time together and hope to do it again soon. Maybe we can even get all the family and their friends from Chile onboarded! I think that would be awesome and so helpful for them all to get some supplemental income! Only Time Will Tell.

So, with that I will leave you to your weekend and go get my ass back to work on curation while the boy has his nap. Thanks again for stopping by and I'm looking forward to seeing all the amazing content I missed in our fantastic communities! Take Care and See You Next Time!


P.S. I am setting this post to payout in Hive Power only as a gesture of my commitment to Hive and keeping my Skin In The Game... even during a mild powerdown period.

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