Even More Love

Can there be even more love? More in relation to what? There must be a reference, a benchmark.

The benchmark was that exhibition dedicated to love, Art Safari-Love Edition, which was the most important exhibition event of this summer in Bucharest, Romania.

I congratulate myself that I had the curiosity to see this exhibition, a very comprehensive and fascinatingly beautiful exhibition. Under this impression, I made more posts, more than I thought I would, in the hope that I could cover all the themes of love expressed through art, painting, and photography.

This is the last post about Art Safari, the love part but, I wonder, can there be more love? I'm sure those who have the goodwill and curiosity to read will answer that question.

Dragoste = Love

In Romanian, Dragoste means Love


The exhibition space, with red and magenta colored walls and little light, the light being focused on the paintings. Carefully chosen, barely audible music forces visitors to whisper. This was the atmosphere in the museum...eerie, exciting, soothing.


This part of the exhibition was dedicated to the link between love and creativity.

Love and Creativity

I loved this portrait and also photographed the info box, hoping to read and learn about this character. I couldn't figure it out. I am left with the pleasure of this painting and the reflection of the word Dragoste(Love).


As much as I love the exhibits, I love the people in the exhibit hall. I love photographing them. It's even easier to do that. They pay attention to the paintings and don't even notice when I photograph the paintings or them. They can't protest... and I like that again!

Photography was only allowed with a phone. The quality of the photos, and due to insufficient light, is not very good, but better than nothing.

I have chosen to post in the photo-loving community because there are also photos displayed in this exhibition dedicated to love. The exhibits are brought from the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Below I will show some exhibits that exemplify the link between love and creativity.

Ted Hughes and Silvia Plath
Photos by Harry Ogden

Poets. I am not a connoisseur of English poetry, nor am I a connoisseur of Romanian poetry. So I didn't know these poets until now, in this exhibition. Further proof that exhibitions and museums can be an important source of learning.


They met at Cambridge University, where they were both students, in 1955. They liked each other and got married. The photos show two beautiful and happy young people. But life, life is different and doesn't flow in the same direction all the time.
Their relationship was close and they found in each other sources of mutual support and inspiration. That is until...

Their relationship was troubled by Ted's infidelities and Silvia's mental health issues. which culminated in Silvia's suicide in 1963. She was considered one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century.

All of this I learned in this museum and it made me curious and eager to seek out Silvia Plath's poetry.

Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas
Photos by Cecil Beaton

Two Americans based in Paris met in 1907. From then until Stein's death in 1947, they formed a couple. They lived together and considered themselves married.


Stein was a writer and Toklas was her typist, editor and archivist. One can easily deduce that it was Toklas who saw to it that the writer could work in peace.


In their house in Paris, they had invited enormous personalities of the early twentieth century. Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce!
It is not for nothing that it has been said that the relationships formed in that house were those that shaped the modernism of that century.

I was happy to see some photographs in this exhibition. I haven't seen many photography exhibits because they aren't around.

The photos shown above can be seen in various catalogs, magazines, or on TV, but I have seen the original, and that made me happy. Of course, in photography, there is no difference between the original and a copy, that's why something else comes into play when you actually see the original. You see an object that was also in the author's hand, that was touched by him and probably also by the characters that appear in those photos. You think about time, history... and our purpose on earth. Which for me is still a great mystery!

Now it's time to tell you, I mean not me ... here Ilinca, my granddaughter, will help me!


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