Garden Photos Today

Gooday Folks

Yesterday i was wondering what seeds/beans/grains to soak for sprouting. I still have a bunch of two year old sunflower seeds left behind by a couple of volunteers. Last year i used some of them early in the season and grew a great crop of about twelve huge sunflowers. They were a spectacular sight. I can't find the pictures at the moment though. I still have a big bag of the seeds harvested from those sunflowers.

Anyway, as it's too late in the season to grow the Sunflowers to full size, i decided to sprout and grow to micro-green size then eat them. They are super-nutritious this way.

Click on the pictures and choose Gallery Mode for larger size.

Pot Prepared for Growing Sunflower GreensSprouts Sprinkled on Potting SoilEmpty Billa Bag

After sprinkling the pre-sprouted seeds (soaked overnight, then rinsed and drained morning and night - and already sprouting the next morning) i covered them with a thin layer of some more potting soil, watered well (with a fine spray to as not to disturb the seeds) and placed on the balcony. I'll move them into the balcony greenhouse in a few days.

I only planted a few seeds this spring and only one sunflower survived and grew very well. I failed to take a picture a month or so ago before the head got too heavy and it started to droop, but today i took a couple of pictures.

Drooping SunflowerSunflower Head (shot taken from underneath)

As i was in the garden with my phone camera, i wandered around and took some more pictures, mostly using macro mode for real close up shots.

Pot MarigoldsPot Marigold Close UpCamomile

Another visitor back in April this year left me a few heirloom beans (2 different varieties, or so we thought), but i have three different colour flowers from them. I crop of beans were harvested about 6 weeks ago, but more are on the way,

Bean flowerBean flower 2Bean flower 3
Camomile with insect(nearly) Autumn leaves :-)

That's all for today, time for me to sleep. Thanks for reading and viewing. I'll leave you with a snippet of an appropriate verse from Rumi:

A Garden Beyond Paradise

Everything you see has its roots
in the unseen world.
The forms may change,
yet the essence remains the same.

Every wondrous sight will vanish,
every sweet word will fade.
But do not be disheartened,
The Source they come from is eternal—
growing, branching out,
giving new life and new joy.

Why do you weep?—
That Source is within you,
and this whole world
is springing up from it.

The Source is full,
its waters are ever-flowing;
Do not grieve,
drink your fill!
Don't think it will ever run dry—
This is the endless Ocean!

Read the rest here

Peace and Love

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

Ps. Do you know about DOVID-21?
If not, be sure to read my post from earlier today to learn about this potentially life saving Positive Virus which was released today!

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