Monochrome Monkeys

Back to a holiday in Cape Town back in 2020 (before the covid lockdown) we went on a wild road trip down to Hermanus and on the way home decided to take a bit of a more scenic route, which is always the best option in my personal opinion!

I am completely obsessed with clouds, watching them and seeing how they move and change throughout the day and from day to day, and clouds on mountains is such a gorgeous sight. Don't these cloud formations look fantastic? I love the combination of cloud types...

At some point along our drive we found ourselves in some stopped traffic, which is never fun when you have had a long day and just want to get home, however, this time it seemed to be perfect timing because right outside our car window were these beautiful creatures... monkeys or baboons, I am not too sure.

I so happened to have my camera out on my lap during this drive so I popped the window opened and managed to get a few fun snaps of these guys.

There was this mommy with her baby hanging on for dear life that crossed the road in between all the stopped cars. Such a sweet sight!

This sweet guy made my heart ache a bit, I am not sure if you can see in the photo but he is chewing on a piece of human trash, an energy bar wrapper... it made me so sad seeing these creatures of nature trying to eat our trash! So a friendly reminder to please throw your rubbish in a bin... never, ever out the car!


Anyway, back to this cutie-pie baby on mommy's back, he really is hanging on there hey! 😅

The sweetest looking family! I loved capturing these quick shots of these guys. They were some speedy-shots as at some point we had to start moving again, so I am quite happy with these photos.

I thought the black and white photos made the monkeys pop a little bit... especially those monkey butts lol

Hope all you photo-loving peeps have a fabulous week, thank you for stopping by my little blog!

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