How Much Clutter Can I Handle?

Okay, so I'm used to things getting a bit messy at times. I have three kids and we live in a small space, so kts to be expected. My youngest is great at pulling things out to play with and then not putting them back in or changing or mind numerous times throughout the day, so she ventures in to get more things.

What I'd like my space to look like all of the time. It does sometimes but not often enough.

I've put some of her things outside it's easier for her to get to them then. But that only ends up with two messy places. I could spend my day reminding her to tidy up, but really it gets exhausting so I usually make sure she tidies up at the end of the day. Whilst I do a bit throughout the day.

I'm not really good with mess. It really begins to irritate me after a while. When I've been ill in the past and things get left undone, our truck can get disorganised real fast. That really starts to bug me, until I get real annoyed and then my girls end up feeling guilty, cos on top of me not feeling well, I end up getting upset. We're all working on doing better, in situations like that.

It doesn't take much, for this space to feel messy or cluttered.

So after reading the following prompt from the Minimalist Community ...

If you were offered 20$ a day to live in a clutter-packed home, how many days do you think you could make it through? No minimising or organisation allowed!

You know I could do with the extra cash, I mean it's 140 a week. But, I'm assuming it would be in a house. Cos if you are into collecting lots of stuff, you are not going to be living in s tiny home. I'm not so keen to live in a house. But I guess I could look at it, like a holiday. But aren't you meant to relax on holiday? I wouldn't be able to do that, if the place is keen run with things.

It would be a struggle. That's for sure. It certainly wouldn't be good for my mental health. Being surrounded by so much stuff. If I had to, I would. Like, if I really had to. I'm sure I could last, but I probably would be exhausted. I can't sleep in spaces that are full of tat. The excess would start to weight on me and I begin to feel uncomfortable.

I don't have any photos of cluttered houses, so here's a photo of a bug hotel, a necessary place of clutter.

I have a friend, who lives in another country and her home is quite cluttered. Whenever I visited, I would offer my assistance, if she needed a hand getting rid of stuff or if she wanted to tidy up. I'd even catch myself tidying up without even realising it.

Hmm, so that in itself presents as a problem as I'm not allowed to tidy or organise.

If I felt like I had a choice, I might try it, just to see. But I'd be surprised if I lasted a day. Cos I'd probably just start cleaning without realising it. I think it becomes a reflex once you become a mother, to be honest.

So it really depends on my situation, how long I'd last. I mean there ate worst ways to make money. I think I'd have to bring loads of books to distract me and maybe even resort to blindfolding myself. Or at the very least have my hands tied together lol.

I'm not a materialistic person and the more I think about it, the more of a bloody challenge it would be. But 140 a week, that's a lot for me and my girls, cos our expenses are few. All down to the way we live. Hmm, if I had to, then I could possibly last 2 weeks. (It would be a struggle though). If, however my girls were with me, then not a chance, I wouldn't even go in the door.



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