KISS PROMPT #103: Prioritizing My Agenda Help Reduce Stress


Stress is what we can never avoid in life because it comes from every area and angle of life’s engagements. But we can try to manage stress and reduce it through taking things one after the other.

Although each an every one of us has different involvements when it comes to means of livelihood, and this why some suffers stress more than others, and we individually also have different ways to handle stress.


For me as a Realtor it can be overwhelming sometimes when the issue of house hunting and pressure from clients is the case. There are season for everything they say, and that is what it is. House hunting for lease or renting can increase in some weeks or months depending the urgency, need and seriousness from the clients. These are the days, weeks or months where I face so much stress trying to juggle inspections all through the hours of the days of the week, making sure to carry my clients along and with the aim of satisfying them.

And since my kind of job is the type that you can network with other colleagues,I will decide on how to reach out to others who can help me through the online forwarding of photos of buildings, locations, rates and contacts of those in charge called the Principal Agent, as this can help me prioritize how to make plans on movements and on the right timing with clients involved for inspection . Doing this can help reduce the stress I will face by just going out there without any prior information, arrangements, plans and directions.


Circumstances of the things we can not see or expect are the main cause of most stress we face. Apart from the work we do which demands so much from us we can face other stress of going to the market and seeing that some items we need can not be found.’, and sometimes am cut up on a traffic for hours after all the day engagements. These are the worst kind of stress we can’t avoid. And to reduce this kind of stress, I will sometimes substitute for another item at the market just to have something in place of the other I could not find, and for the traffic issues, I can decide to stay in the office a bit late to avoid seating in the vehicle 🚗 all evening which is so tiring and not even healthy because of some fumes from big trucks 🛻.

Generally, I love watching movies 🎥 when am so stressed out 😰 and enjoying some classical music 🎶 is my gem 💎 because it enables me to think of the moment believing that tomorrow should wait until it comes. When I want an outing, catch me at the park or at the beach 🏖 haha 😆. That is how I roll. And sometimes when am not having a workload, like early hour inspections, I will make sure to sleep into late ⏰ mornings before setting out for any planed appointments. But its not just all rosy because some of us who are not on the field jobs can not enjoy this kind of benefits. However, street kills. So we must all make sure to look for a way to handle and reduce the stress we face.

Thanks friends for coming around this publish.

Photos captured at the local market places are my original.


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