Unruffling The Ruffled Feathers ~ Kiss Blog #91

Sometimes it's rather hard for hyper active extroverts to feel unsettled or have their feathers ruffled

Mostly because they tend to always seem ruffled

Yet there are some time where even we just require some peace and quiet to calm our nerves

Something to help reset when we've reached the maximum level of stress we can take for the day/week/month (whatever time limit you want to use)
We just need a certain habit or instance to use and unruffle.

Normally I wouldn't call myself an extrovert but I know for sure that I'm not an introvert and I don't know any other verts in-between so I'll just go with extro😂.

When I reach my maximum level of stress I realize it's time to relax. Time to let loose and leave all your worries behind, in other words, it's time to sleep.


One cannot overemphasize the power of sleep in helping to regain your balance on things.
Let's use a different approach:
You know at times when your phone is acting up. Screen frozen, nothing working or moving and it's just being insufferable.

Android users nodding their heads😂

Then after some time, it simply reboots and starts working again as normal.

That's just what sleep is. It's a simple reboot to help rebalance your self.
When you wake up with the red eyes, no sense of direction and you can hardly tell where or when you are, you'll simply be at peace with the world.
This really help's me with my stress rebalancing. Nothing in the world is better than sleep✨😴


Although there are some times or places where one can't afford to sleep.
When I'll still have to be active in carrying out my job or task and sleeping would make matters worse.
In those periods, I'll be shut off from the world, completely focused on my tas at hand with my ears drowned in the noise of my earphones.


The therapeutic powers of music is something to truly be in awe of. Listening to another's perspective on a certain topic with a nice tune is something that really helps me getting back into it.
It's a lovely balancing guide for me.

Walks and Sitting with Nature 🌲🌱

I remember this clearly from my times at high school.
When the class was getting to overbearing, I'd take an excuse to go to the bathroom and from there take a leisurely stroll always ending up at a balcony that overlooked the field. I'd just stand, leaning on the balcony and look at nothing in particular, just taking in the lovely view, feeling the breeze and feeling quite content.


Of course I got into trouble a number of times but it helped so much that the trouble after was a cinch for the amount of calm my mind, body and soul was in.
It's quite the same for me right now.
I always try to find a way to walk in or near places with a lot of nature. The pure oxygen emitted from the trees and grasses really helps too🌲🌱

Making and Viewing Art

If this world isn't suitable, create and live in yours...~ Seki


This is one balancing technique which I learnt recently from my stay on hive.
Looking through art surely helps in calming your nerves, especially if it's an art which you particularly relate too.
Literary arts work better for me. Reading a good novel or book and I'll forget all the troubles of the outside world. Good Fiction Books like The Storm light Chronicles or Artemis Fowl series surely draw you into their own magical world and you'll be so invested in it that your real world problems simply clear from your mind.
When you eventually finish the book or stop reading, your mood has taken a considerable shift for the better.
The same thing can be said for writing, as a writer when I wrote about troubling thoughts, turning them into fictional problems, I tend to find out that it's not really a problem after all or when I'm stressed and I just find a nice topic to write about, it really helps in balancing my moods.

I wrote this post after reading @honeydue's post reply to the MINIMALIST COMMUNITY #kiss post

Thoughtful things you engage in to balance and stabilize your moods.

So after I read hers and realized I haven't written in this community for so long, I decided to give it a spin.

Of course there are plenty more like exercise, herbal teas and some mood drugs, everything is based on your own willingness and personal factors
So these are just a few of my own feather unruffling and mood stabilizing skills. You can tell me yours in the comments 😃


  • All Images used in the post are mine.
  • Gif used were gotten from the Tenor Gif board in peakd publish page.

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