Thanks to you, I am fine.

Thanks to you, I am fine.


In life, many things are related to each other, they have a cause, they happen for a reason. I understood this exactly 5 years ago. That is why this week's community proposal touched my heart in a deep way, because it is something that I lived and overcame thanks to God and the help of many.

Everything that happened to me helped me to become aware of my mental health. Of course, I am not going to tell you: "The process is wonderful!" "You will jump on one foot with joy!". I'm not going to kid you, it has its challenges, but now I think it's been one of my biggest blessings.

It was like, "Wow, this is me?! Is that why I think what I think? So what I feel is... "normal and transient"?" A great discovery.

For me, in my experience, our emotional life is something like that:


The great lesson I learned and want to share with you is: we all carry a weight on our backs, we are the consequence of many things and people and that to continue enjoying life with all the good things it has and to face what it doesn't, it is very necessary to take care of our emotional and mental health, which is the result of our emotional and mental health.

I have heard quite a lot that some people are embarrassed or ashamed to go to therapy and receive psychological help, they don't want to talk about it or accept that there is a need. Almost as if it were a sin or doing something wrong. Believe me, I understand them.

But notice that I also understood this, and I can compare it to how when you try to eat and sleep well and do some exercise, for sure your body will be fine and you will notice that you are well. At the beginning it's a little hard, but as soon as I get into the rhythm and I feel good, I want to continue. Likewise, if I go to a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist (whichever one you need according to your case), I talk about what hurts, bothers me, what I cannot leave behind or what I do not know how to deal with, there comes a time when by applying the tools I will feel good. Surely at the beginning it will be hard because it hurts, but as time goes by, step by step you will understand many things and I can confirm that you see and feel better.

I can tell you that thanks to the fact that I understood this, today I am fine. I have changed many things in me. Now I understand much more my family, friends, other people, and above all myself. Do you know why? Because my fear has gone down and my love has gone up.

Divisor morado.jpg

And remember, my friend and this is my advice with all the love in the world to you:

  • Mental health is not drama.

  • If you take care of it in time, you will recover faster.

  • Emotional illnesses are as real as any other illness.

  • No one feels sorry for being diabetic or hypertensive, so don't let grief stop you from taking care of your health.

  • You will accomplish much of what you have always wanted to do.

  • You don't have to struggle alone and you are not to blame.

Thanks to this I have come to know the relationship between past and present, character and personality, thinking and doing things, but even more I am still surprised to understand my emotions and to know that the protagonist of my life is still me 💜


Text of my authorship. The photo are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Picture of past and present made by me in InShot. Text translated using

Splitter created by me in GIMP 💟

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