Minimalism in meal preparation.

Minimalism have a great impact on me; from my lifestyle down to preparing my meals. My life has always revolved around doing things at a minimal and not in excess. While growing up, I was taught how to manage lots of things up to cooking meals. Simply put, being a minimalist is all about avoiding the unnecessary, about simplicity, utility and elegance. I would say these are areas I have tried to manage and keep up with.

Food is life, no doubt and we have to indulge in giving the best when it comes to having good nutrients to sustain us, build our bodies, give us energy and make us healthy. Without a good nutrient, it is impossible to achieve most things in our lives.



Something I have come to learn which is part of me is that when preparing a meal, the fewer the ingredients, the easier it is to prepare, and you don't have to be a good cook to bring the best, with just a few simple recipes, you are good to go in having a well-dished meal like the one above. That is a Jollof Spaghetti with an Egg I made yesterday 😋

Ways minimalism has impacted how I prepare meals are simplifying the ingredients I use, techniques in cooking and creating good space in my kitchen while focusing on meals that require fewer ingredients and steps. One thing most people do is to rely on a few high-quality and versatile tools, whereas, I try to reduce the amount of kitchen equipment that I use in cooking as this even saves time. Being a minimalist requires knowing how to plan your meals and limit the number of ingredients and focus on how to present a well-sumptuous meal.


I have loved preparing my meals from scratch and this is how a minimalist diet should be. Right from the ingredients down to cleanliness is what I focus on and also buying the necessary things instead of something you will end up wasting at the end. I don't believe in wasting food as I wasn't taught that. My late Grandma would make sure you finish the food from the previous day even when she instruct us to cook a new meal for the day. We don't dare touch the new dish until the last one is cleared off first. This is why I aim at preparing as little food as I can eat all at once.

There was a time I used tomato paste with ground pepper to make stew, mh friend felt irritated at the process but by the time she was done eating the first found, she asked for more, and ever since adopted my style.


I don't like eating out because I feel it is a waste of money to do that. Though there is nothing wrong or bad with eating in restaurants or bringing home takeaways, if done often costs more money, and most times, the quality of ingredients used is not always guaranteed. I have seen maggots in a meat pie I bought some time back and it made me decide to always make my snacks which I do when I need to. I don't trust food made outside.

Minimalist recipes are simple, the quality of ingredients is guaranteed and the food tastes better when prepared by you. I have seen a neighbour on many occasions waste her food into a wastebin; food that could be enough for 2 or more people. I consider such a person a waster and far from being a minimalist. I am living alone and I know the right proportion of meals I need to prepare instead of wasting the remnants.



This is white beans, fish stew and fried plantain which I prepared last Friday. This is a Nigerian meal and also contains protein. This meal consists of a few ingredients with its quality and fresh ingredients guaranteed and I enjoyed it to my satisfaction.

Some people believe that minimalists are always suffering because of how they use fewer things instead of enjoying life to the fullest which I would object to because it's not always the truth. Spending just a little amount on something doesn't mean one is poor or cannot afford it, that is how their lifestyle is and they don't complain. Minimalist enjoys life more as they work on building a suitable life in the future. Being a minimalist is all about having things simple, avoiding unnecessary things and creating more space for fresh air and comfort. It is not until you include all the whole ingredients in the world in a meal before it turns out great, just a few recipes can make your food delicious while saving your money for other things.

The food images are mine

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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