My self-care is for me

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There might be some truth to saying that our outer appearance is not a quantifying measure of our self-worth, and it becomes mainstream for us to project our best appearance for acceptance. However, I'm at a stage where flaws and imperfections don't phase me, as all I see is my soul. That for me is beauty in itself. True beauty. It was never always like this though, and when it first happened, flashbacks to some of the biggest hurdles that I had overcome came rushing like a tornado, and I just stood there and smiled. It was a Eureka moment, of self-discovery, and I realised that the only validation that mattered was how I felt about myself. It was self-love, the kind that no one could ever take away.
Although I might have full acceptance of the physical changes I see, I have no intention of speeding up my ageing process. Hence the reason why, at least one day of the week, I take it slow and easy, and today is a perfect time.

My me-time is when I celebrate and appreciate my life and all the capabilities that my body allows. Going through life day after day without taking time to love and be kind to ourselves, causes us to lose connection with who we are, what makes us valuable, and uniquely us, that no one can replicate.

I say I'm accepting of the changes, yes, but do I rejoice when I see silvers and lines? No, why would I? Still, the ageing me gives me the confidence and high self-esteem to go on, knowing I've acquired much wisdom throughout the years.


Stopping to look after ourselves is taking a conscious break; a break from our worries and stresses, which allows us to inject positivity into our minds.
Me time is a kind of stillness that allows me to feel, think, see; to be sensually present in the moment.

Something is stimulating about massaging my head, nurturing my hair, and sitting under this steamer. I feel happy hormones releasing, and I feel good about myself.

I feel so fuckin' good like I can take on the world and extend myself, my value to others.

We have choices, of course. We could take the time to self-destruct, but what good would that be, to ourselves and the world at large?

Me-time is checking that my mental and physical body is in alignment. We do feel sluggish sometimes, and a psychological and physical stretch does wonders. It's about rejuvenating, and building strength from within.


I could play ignorant and deafen the sounds of age that my body cries, but I choose to listen to what it tells me, which is that the time to take care is now. I go inside to acknowledge the good that's within me, and I know the things that I'm grateful for.

Immortality does not exist, but what if it did tomorrow?

Would you care differently? Would you have regrets?

I do slip up sometimes and forget to care, so I am aware of what the repercussions can be. So on Sundays especially, I remind myself to wake up, get up, and make time for myself, regardless of all responsibilities.

We protect our homes, our loved ones, and our assets, yet we neglect to take care of our minds; The most powerful thing that only we have control of. Does that make sense?

Me time can be anything. Perhaps a daily mantra, a message, a song that reminds you to live, love, care, and be grateful simply because you've got life. Here's mine. This Nina Simone is a beautiful soulful song. I'm feeling soulful today, hence my black-and-white images.

Positive affirmations do wonders. No gimmicky ones that make us delusional, but ones that help to motivate and keep us grounded.

I hope that you'll enjoy it:)

Namaste 🙏

P.S. This post is about #SlowLivingSunday, from the Minimalist Daily Theme that you could check out.
All images were taken by me, and the music video from Youtube of course.
Thank you @qwerrie. This song resonates with me and has been played daily since you sent it to me 6 months ago. 🤗😇

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