The Minimalist Daily Theme

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Introducing a set 'Daily Minimalist Theme'

A Minimalist lifestyle has many dimensions that can be beneficial to our well-being and daily lives. However, it's natural for us to tend to gravitate toward and embrace some aspects more than others, which is okay.

Still, I've decided to present a daily theme of minimalist practices that might give you fresh blogging ideas.

Planning and Scheduling

The theme will be standard and I've tried to make them catchy with a nice ring so that they'll be easy to remember.

It might be a great idea for you to present the daily themes on the corresponding day of the week, as that could give you sufficient time to prepare your relevant photos and schedule your blogs in advance.

Please feel free to engage in the concept, while observing the general community rules:)

Theme Days


Mindful Monday

Share all your mindfulness practices such as mindful eating, meditation, and any activity you do to keep you grounded, to kick-start your week.


Travel Light Tuesday

Share any aspect of minimalist travel ideas that are tried, tested, and works well for you. Or from an emotional and mental perspective.


Waste less Wednesday

Share ideas for recycling, reusing, reducing, thrifting, and repurposing items.


Transformation Thursday

Reprioritise, organise, declutter, and tidy up your physical or mental space. Growth and changes that you have experienced or plan to undertake.


Freedom Friday

Freedom from fear and worry; Mental and physical freedom, and your practices for creating space and living your best life in the present.


Stylish Saturday

Share all your minimalist fashion, minimalist furnishing, design, decor, and any other aspect of a minimalist style.


Slow Living Sunday

Share all your simple minimalist activities for relaxation, calmness, inner peace, and happiness. Whatever it is that makes your Sunday simply beautiful.


  • Schedule and post on the correct day of the week. Ex. #MindfulMonday should be posted on a Monday, and use the relevant tag as your first tag.
  • Post directly to The Minimalist community
  • Only post on Minimalism. Non-related topics will be muted.
  • DO NOT USE the #KISS tag for this initiative.
  • Observe general community rules.

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Thank you for visiting this community, we hope that you'll enjoy sharing and learning about Minimalism here.

Please note that these are optional theme day Minimalism topics, therefore, you are free to present any other aspect of minimalism at any time, without the use of any of these suggested tags.


About The Minimalist community

Minimal Aesthetic Quote Instagram Post-4.jpg

Thank you for visiting,



Find The Minimalist Community Here on Hive

Cover photo, Thursday & Friday, & Friday photos from Canva free photos Photo link Wednesday
Photo link Friday
Photo Saturday
Sunday's Photo belongs to millycf1976.

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