Ignore the non-essentials and leave the few things that really matter

Hi Hive Lovers

You will decide for yourself at the end of this paragraph of my article whether I am truly a minimalist or not, and that will also apply to your own answer to that question.

                              Please don't judge this post by its title.

The @minimalistliving challenge with the theme "Are you truly into minimalism, or is simple living your practice?" in Blogging Ideas for Week 42 is very evocative of what everyone should do in their daily lives.

It's like reading a book until the last page; after that, you will come to the true conclusion. You don't really have to read every line of a book, but you do have to get to the last page.

Each paragraph has a main idea, and each page also has its own main idea. But (again), you only need to read a few passages and reduce any non-essential passages.

That means you will ignore some of the unimportant parts of this article and only pay attention to the important ones to come to the conclusion, "Are you truly into minimalism, or is simple living your practice?"

Let's make it minimalist or simple living

Minimalism and Simple Living are neighbors - I mean, they're close. The two are often associated or even considered the same, at least in contexts that tend to be equated.

Should I be considered a minimalist or living a simple life if I just wear the same clothes every day? —of course, I wash them periodically.

My clothes, which are (at least) almost the same, have good quality and are guaranteed to last, so I pay them a higher price. I will continue to wear them until they rip or wear out.

The purpose of the clothes is to provide protection for our body, and that protection is according to the use of the clothes.

(Do the sentences in this paragraph sound the same? The two are related, or you think of them as the same, or you tend to equate them in this context.) Read again and think for a moment, please. !LOL

I have always thought that the clothes I wear must be of good quality so that they can last a long time and be comfortable on my body. However, despite the high price, it is also comfortable in my wallet.

I will be able to wear the clothes for much longer. I also take care of it according to the directions they put on their brand label, and that has made it last longer too.

I don't need to expend the energy of my mind to open an online shopping application or go to various clothing outlets to look at the various clothing products they offer there. That's what makes it comfortable in my wallet. Do you make a living expenses budget report? There, you will see whether your wallet is comfortable or not.

You have seen the clothes I am wearing in my photos. It's one of my most durable pieces of clothing, and I wore it when I stayed in one of the beachside huts on Sabang Island - if you've heard of the island or if you've been there too.

(Don't pay attention to the shape of the building, but I invite you to see the materials used to build it.)

The cottage was completely built of wood and did not use any iron at all. Iron at the edge of the sea will soon experience a process of corrosion and rust, then be destroyed. But wood is much stronger; the longer it receives exposure to the salt content of sea water vapor, the stronger it will become.

We've just talked about a small part of our lives when it comes to fashion choices. I'm sorry; I've also added a little part about the materials used to build the cottage where I stayed.

Last paragraph

We haven't really discussed much more important topics in order to keep things in the spirit of #KISS (Keep It Simple and Smart). But this is the final paragraph. You can ignore some things that are not essential and you should leave as the core some that really matter. Of course, you have come to the conclusion (for me or for yourself) that "Are you truly into minimalism, or is simple living your practice?"

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