My Coping Mechanisms

It’s funny how you wake up one morning and you just have this strong conviction that you're going to have a good day, you know in your heart that nothing can ever ruin your day, and you are super pumped and ready to take your world by storm only for your day to be ruined before it even started proper. You go home sad and weary of everyone.


The world out there is tough and is filled with a lot of crazy and mean people, people who can constantly step on your toes without being remorseful, people who can stretch you beyond your limit and make you uncomfortable, and people who do not give a hoot about how you feel. How then can you survive in a world filled with this kind of people without losing it every now and then?

Over time I have developed various coping mechanisms to help me stay calm and relaxed in this hectic and chaotic world and I would love to share some of them with you all.


To start with, being in charge of my emotions. It’s not bad to be an emotional person but it becomes a problem when your emotions are everywhere and you can’t control them. Being in charge of your emotions makes you less stressed or anxious and it makes you more relaxed in this chaotic world.

Whenever I am in charge of my emotions I have less emotional breakdowns, in that moment I know the things I need to react to and the ones I'd let slide, and this results in making me calmer than I can ever be. If your emotions are everywhere trust me you’d react to almost everything, things that are not relevant, things that might result in even bigger problems thereby causing you to be perplexed and on the edge, and when this happens you are unhappy and you feel the world is against you.

I try not to allow little things to define how I feel. Allowing the most minute thing to mess with my emotions is a No-No for me, it's called My Emotions for a reason and not anyone else's own. The more I am in control of it the more peaceful I am.


Cutting people some slack. As funny as this sounds it is the one thing that has helped me remain sane in this crazy world.
One thing I tell myself every day is that we are all wired differently. I was brought up in an entirely different way from the other person. I have some principles and values I hold in high esteem and these principles and values prevent me from doing certain things and I think the same works for others.


Whenever I see people do certain things I try to make excuses for them and not just think the worst of them, because we all have different orientations and ideologies about life. Whenever I cut people some slack I am less worried about what they did to me ultimately making me more relaxed than going head to head with them.

Speaking to a loved one seems to do the trick for me too.
The role our partners, siblings, and parents play in our lives cannot be over-emphasized. There were times when I was having an outburst or everything just seemed so chaotic in my life and it felt like I was losing it just a little pep talk from my partner or siblings fixes that. Sometimes we just need to hear certain things from people who know us. It might not be a long conversation or a long pep talk, but just a few words can make me all calm again as I tend to get clarity whenever I have these little talks with them.


For an overthinker like me, staying calm can be pretty difficult sometimes as a lot goes on in my head. The seeds of confusion, the seeds of doubt, and seeds of uncertainty are being planted in my head and together there is a full-blown war going on in my head, the moment I am able to prevent these seeds from growing that’s when I will be able to keep my overthinking at bay and invariably stay relaxed and calm.

There are so many ways or methods people employ to stay calm and relaxed in this loud, hectic, and chaotic world but these are mine and they’ve been working pretty well for me.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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