My Ideal Meals Are Simple Healthy And Delicious

"Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” By Anonymous

I never hesitate to tell people around me that I'm a foodie, a special kind of foodie. When I cook I like to pour my heart into it. I cook with love and affection as the kitchen is my favorite place in the house.

My love for the kitchen was gotten from my mom. Growing up, she made sure we never had to leave the house without breakfast. Aside from this, she is very intentional about what she cooks in terms of quality even with simple recipes. She could make delicious meals from just a few simple ingredients In her kitchen.

As a farmer that grows most of the foods we eat, getting fresh food items from the farm makes us sure of the quality of our food.

Since we are what we eat and food's main purpose is to nourish our body, when I pick my ingredients for cooking I always have this at the back of my mind. Will so and so add to my well-being or subtract from it? I choose food ingredients that I know will do my body a lot of good. They don't have to be expensive but can be simple vegetables, spices like garlic, ginger, cucumber 🥒, onions, eggs, etc.

My secret to delicious meals is getting simple but the right ingredients for my meals. I also don't like spending long hours cooking, so I always go for healthy recipe options that will not take too much of my time in preparing.

In my food exploration journey, I have discovered that a great and delicious healthy meal can be made from some simple ingredients. Like when I discovered this palatable Irish potato recipe a while ago.

I was just scoping for some new song to listen to on YouTube when a channel popped up on my screen. And aside from the delicious look of her meal that caught my attention, her ingredients are just simple basic things that I could get in my kitchen. Ever since then, I have incorporated it into my family recipe.

IMG-20230804-WA0001.jpg with a few Irish potatoes, four eggs, onions, cooking oil and cucumber that give it such a heavenly aroma and taste, I was able to come up with the above. This is not only a simple recipe, but pocket-friendly, healthy for my family and me, and very easy to make.

In the northern part of the country where I currently base, fruits and vegetables are not only surplus but relatively cheap and fresh. This has made it readily available for me to add to my rice which made it rich and very healthy for our consumption.

I'm not always into spaghetti but when I do, I love to accompany it with some carrots, green pill, and green beans. And fresh tomato sauce.

My cooking method is simple; get healthy and easy-to-come-by ingredients, apply my skill, and come up with a delicious healthy meal.

In a country with a continuing rise in food inflation, this method has allowed me to spend less on food while my family still gets to eat healthy and delicious food.

When we eat healthy foods, our body gets the nutrients it needs to function to the maximum. We don't easily get sick, thereby saving us from spending more money visiting the hospital. I used to jokingly tell people that there is not much to this life than serving God and humanity and eating healthy delicious meals. They usually laugh 😅 and called me a foodie.

This is my entry into this week's #kiss blogging idea in the Minimalist community. Thank you so much for reading my work and for your support. Till some other time, Bye-bye 🥰❤

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