#whatareyoulisteningto - Keeping it experimental

@bozz has been doing #whatareyoulisteningto posts for a while, mostly from his vinyl collection. Here are some albums I have been enjoying lately. You can actually see most of what I listen to on last.fm. There are various apps and plug-ins to log listens on mobile devices, PCs and in browsers.

I buy a fair bit of music on Bandcamp. One band I have bought a few EPs by is A Formal Horse. Late last year they brought out their first full album with the great title Here Comes A Man From The Council With A Flamethrower. They have some prog elements and great female vocals in a classical style. I would love to see them live.

The last gig I went to before lockdown was The Fierce and the Dead with @hockney. That was intended as a warmup for a Dutch festival that got cancelled, so they put out a live recording from a festival last year. That is their third live album with different tracks on each. This is from their gig in the USA in 2017.

I have been a lot of this music with my Wirex card using Steem I powered down. One I was looking to get is Scenes From The Flood by bassist Bryan Beller. I have seen him perform with his band The Aristocrats and heard him talk about the album on the No Guitar Is Safe podcast. He has lots of top guitarists guesting including Joe Satriani and John Petrucci. His Aristocrats bandmate Guthrie Govan plays on this track.

I have not been a big Spotify user, but we decided to get a family account as the rest of them use it more. This has encouraged me to check out more music. After it got some idea of what I like I checked out some of the suggested artists. One of those is guitarist Mattias IA Eklundh, who I had heard of before. His album The Road Less Travelled is just brilliant. He does a great version of the classic Minor Swing.

I do have a think for experimental guitar music and am quite happy with instumentals, but I enjoy lots of different music. I am just less likely to buy music I hear all the time on the radio anyway and I can support more artists who are not as big.

Rock on!

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