Three Tune Tuesday #150 .:. complicated easy-listening

Hi there, my friends. ⌛️ This week for my #ttt post I chose some relaxing music you may call easy-istening. The names are: Yma Sumac / Pink Martini / Britney Spears Postmodern Jukebox. Hope you will enjoy the selection.

Yma Sumac - Malambo No.1

(from 'Mambo!' LP, 1954)

Ima Sumac was the stage name of Soila Augusta Imperatrice Chavarri del Castillo, Peruvian soprano singer (she became a U.S. citizen in 1955). In Quechua language her stage name means: “Oh, what a beauty!” Unique range of five octaves and her diva personality made her a movie and pop music sensation in the 1950's Hollywood.

Each generation has its own pop idols, thats a normal situation. Those who act on stage are the ones who sell out stadiums and make press headlines; they grab away the noble titles of “the greatest artists of all time.” But mind you - Shakira, Aguilera, Britney Spears and Taylor Swift arent worthy even of wiping down the microphone stand for Ima Sumac, hehe.

Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears cover by Haley Reinhart

(from 'Postmodern jukebox' LP, 2015)

Speaking of Britney Spears, look, I dont mind how good she was as a dancer and I dont listen to her music, but there as someone wisely stated (dont remember who it was) 'To leave your mark in the music history, it is enough to write just one song that folks would recognize at any continent' - and voila! - here it is, this song. Thanks to this timeless tune, Britney will be remembered for decades to come, and more and more cover versions will pop-up.

I fall in love with this version momentarily, what is so good with it? As the artists put it themselves, they reimagined it as if it was written for another icon -- Britney's idol Marilyn Monroe -- decades ago. They provided it some glitter of belle epoch of 30-es, and Haley Reinhart's timbre of voice and intonations, as well as plastic - are magical. Give it a look, I am sure you will be impressed. (I consider, new intonations for a good cover version is a must, blind copying provides no reason for it to exist (copy is a copy, why should it appear? just to prove yourself that "I can do it like that too”, but in this case ... we arent obliged to enjoy it either).

Pink Martini - ¿Dónde estás, Yolanda?

(performed live from Portland '2005)

For non-spanish speaking audience: the song's title means 'Where are you, Yolanda'; a lover is asking where his beloved girl have gone, as simple as that. Originally the song was composed by Peruvian musician Manuel Jimenez Fernandez. Later the tune was made popular by famous Cuban singer Orlando Contreras,

...and lately it has been popularized even more among the English-speaking audience by Pink Martini (which leads some people to believe they are the authors). Pink Martini is a nice band worth to explore, if you enjoy joyful easy-listening music with a slight notes of latin or tropicana.

The studio version many of us might have been acquainted while watching Sherlock BBC serial back in 2010. Classic! Personally, I felt a great joyful feeling of recognition when season 2 / the return of Sherlock began with my favorite, long-familiar song.

Hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150


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