Pirates Of The Caribbean Flute Versión | Jared Khm Cover | Hive Music.

Estoy maravillado! esta semana fue demasiado buena, este video tan solo es un pequeño fragmento de toda la experiencia que vivi en las montañas de Pedro Quintero o mejor conocidas como la zona selvatica "Pequin" Anzoategui Venezuela, fui de viaje junto a mi novia @nanyamna a este lugar donde hay no solo montañas y paisajes hermosos, tambien hay rios, riachuelos, manantiales, animales salvajes, incluso hay nutrias y un clima muy agradable, cuando digo que este es solo un pequeño fragmento de toda mi vivencia es porque hice una recopilacion audiovisual en resumen del recorrido que hice mientras estuve visitando a mi papa, si, mi papa vive en esas montañas y lo estuve animando para que se iniciara en hive tambien, ya que el toca varios instrumentos e incluso canta muy bien.

Continuando con lo mencionado, en ese momento decidi tocar esta pieza musical tan conocida porque soy un admirador de la pantalla grande, es decir, del cine y la cancion de piratas del caribe a mi parecer es una de las melodias que mas rapido se puede reconocer al escucharla, como ya les he mencionado antes tengo poco tiempo practicando con mi flauta trasversal, la cual pude comprarme gracias a hive, si no has visto aun mi podcast en 3speak te invito a poder verlo y escucharlo, alli relato parte de como obtuve mi flauta gracias a hive, me parecio que la cancion combinaba con el ambiente y aunque no estabamos en una zona de playa o cerca del mar, quise interpretar esta cancion porque Pequin es una zona selvativa en la que sus rios conectan con otros estados se Venezuela y uno de esos estados es Sucre y esos rios desenbocan en el mar y las playas de sucre, no quiero decir mucho al respecto de Pequin en este post, mi intencion es otra y es que deseo que este post sea tan solo un antesala o que sea la puerta que abra paso a lo que sera mi proximo video vlog el cual publicare en espavlog con muchisima informacion valiosa acerca de este sitio, su historia, sus misterios, sus tiempos de guerra y algunos otros datos que estaran bien entretenidos, asi que amigos espero que realmente esperen con ancias mi proximo videovlog el cual publicare el dia miercoles, esten atentos y gracias por su apoyo incondicional, saludos amigos hasta un proximo post!


I am amazed! this week was too good, this video is just a small fragment of the whole experience that I lived in the mountains of Pedro Quintero or better known as the jungle area "Pequin" Anzoategui Venezuela, I went on a trip with my girlfriend @nanyamna to this place where there are not only mountains and beautiful scenery, there are also rivers, streams, springs, wild animals, when I say that this is just a small fragment of my whole experience is because I made an audiovisual compilation in summary of the tour I did while I was visiting my dad, yes, my dad lives in those mountains and I was encouraging him to get started in hive too, since he plays several instruments and even sings very well.

Continuing with the above mentioned, at that time I decided to play this well known piece of music because I am a fan of the big screen, that is, the movies and the song of pirates of the caribbean in my opinion is one of the melodies that can be recognized more quickly when listening to it, as I mentioned before I have little time practicing with my transverse flute, which I could buy thanks to hive, if you have not yet seen my podcast in 3speak I invite you to see and hear it, there I tell part of how I got my flute thanks to hive, I thought that the song combined with the environment and although we were not in a beach area or near the sea, I wanted to interpret this song because Pequin is a jungle zone in which its rivers connect with other states of Venezuela and one of those states is Sucre and those rivers flow into the sea and the beaches of Sucre, I do not want to say much about Pequin in this post, my intention is another and is that I want this post to be just a prelude or be the door that opens the way to what will be my next video vlog which I will publish in espavlog with lots of valuable information about this site, its history, its mysteries, its war times and some other data that will be very entertaining, so friends I hope you really look forward to my next video vlog which I will publish on Wednesday, stay tuned and thanks for your unconditional support, greetings friends until a next post!

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