MusicalMonday | Hay amores (Cover by Eugelys) | Esp-Eng

Tengan un feliz #musicalmonday, hoy les traigo una canción que desde la primera vez que la escuché me gustó mucho, es una de esas piezas que viene a ser una joya musical, pues en primer te sorprende que venga de una artista que no suele cantar este género musical, pero que te hace darte cuenta que un buen artista logra cantar muchos géneros y acoplarlos a su estilo.

La voz gutural de Shakira es bastante peculiar, es su sello inconfundible , debo admitir que soy más fan de la Shaki de cabello negro, con letras profundas que se paseaba por el pop con dejos de trópico, para luego,con guitarra eléctrica en mano, cantar dentro de una botella de Pepsi, así es ella todo o nada.

Este bolero pertenece a su pluma junto a la del brasilero Antonio Pinto y es una poesía para el amor que logra madurar con los años, a pesar de la distancia, diría yo que habla del amor maduro, ese que entiende que el afecto verdadero viene a edificarnos no a destruirnos, el amor que va más allá de hormonas y encuentros casuales, sino que está marcado por el compromiso y por ver la belleza del otro entre los surcos y el color platino que los años van dejando.

El amor crece con los detalles y se renueva por la protección y el respeto hacia el otro y hacia nuestro propio ser. Existen muchos espejismos mal llamados amor, y con el transcurrir de los años vemos cómo nos ahogamos en un vaso de agua por afectos que solo eran ilusiones, que no estaban sustentados en la reciprocidad.

Espero que este cover les guste mucho, fue grabado en una sola toma y editado para quitar un acorde que luego sentí no estaba bien colocado, les agradezco infinitamente por pasar por aquí, por ver y escuchar.

¡Cuídense mucho y recuerden amarse a sí mismos, ese es el amor que podrán dar a los demás!

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Have a happy #musicalmonday, today I bring you a song that from the first time I heard it I liked it, it is one of those pieces that come to be a musical gem because first, you are surprised that comes from an artist who does not usually sing this musical genre, but that makes you realize that a good artist manages to sing many genres and couple them to his style.

Shakira's guttural voice is quite peculiar, it is her unmistakable seal, I must admit that I am more a fan of the Shaki with black hair, with deep lyrics that walked through the pop with hints of tropic, and then, with electric guitar in hand, singing inside a bottle of Pepsi, that's how she is, all or nothing.

This bolero belongs to her pen together with the Brazilian Antonio Pinto and is poetry for the love that manages to mature over the years, despite the distance, I would say that it speaks of mature love, that which understands that true affection comes to build us not to destroy us, the love that goes beyond hormones and casual encounters, but is marked by commitment and to see the beauty of the other between the furrows and the platinum color that the years are leaving.

Shakira's guttural voice is quite peculiar, it is her unmistakable seal, I must admit that I am more a fan of the Shaki with black hair, with deep lyrics that walked through the pop with hints of tropic, and then, with electric guitar in hand, singing inside a bottle of Pepsi, that's how she is, all or nothing.

This bolero belongs to her pen together with the Brazilian Antonio Pinto and is poetry for the love that manages to mature over the years, despite the distance, I would say that it speaks of mature love, that which understands that true affection comes to build us not to destroy us, the love that goes beyond hormones and casual encounters, but is marked by commitment and to see the beauty of the other between the furrows and the platinum color that the years are leaving.

Love grows with details and is renewed by protection and respect for the other and for our own being. There are many illusions wrongly called love, and over the years we see how we drown in a glass of water for affections that were only illusions, which were not based on reciprocity.

I hope you like this cover, it was recorded in one take and edited to remove a chord that I felt was not well placed, I thank you infinitely for stopping by here, for watching and listening.

Take care of yourselves and remember to love yourself, that is the love you will be able to give to others!.

Hay amores/ Compositores: Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll / Antonio Pinto / Video: Samsung Galaxy A53/
Edición de Video: Videopad / Portada: Canva / Traducción:

¡Un gran abrazo! A big hug!


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