"Sheila On 7" a Grup Music Has No Haters

Hello dear music lovers around the world! How are you doing? Hopefully you are all doing amazing! Don't forget to keep listening to music wherever you are and anytime! :) This time I still invite you to stay a little bit longer on the music in my country Indonesia. Nothing can beat the songs of old bands, the music always touches the heart and is not easy to pass by.

Dan (And)
Bukan maksudku, bukan inginku
Sadarkah kau di sini 'ku pun terluka
Melupakanmu, menepikanmu
Maafkan aku

Not what I mean, not what I want
Hurt you
Do you realize that I'm hurting here too?
Forgetting you, leaving you behind
Forgive me

A song that describes someone who gives up their partner so that their lover is happy. The song "Dan" was included in Sheila On 7's first album which was released in 1999. This is their first song that was succesful and won many awards.

Sheila on 7 is a band from Yogyakarta which was popular in the 2000s. Since the beginning of their work on the Indonesian music scene, Sheila On 7 has made many achievements, including being the only Indonesian band capable of selling more than one million physical albums, three albums in a row. They also have loyal listeners in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

Seberapa Pantas (How worth it)

Hanya kaulah yang benar-benar aku tunggu
Hanya kaulah yang benar-benar memahamiku
Kau pergi dan hilang kemanapun kau suka

You're the only one I'm really waiting for
You're the only one who truly understands me
You go and disappear wherever you like

This song tells the story of someone who waits and constantly wants to return to a relationship with the person who hurt him.

Melompat Lebih Tinggi (Jump Higher)

Kupetik bintang untuk kau simpan
Cahayanya tenang berikan kau perlindungan
Sebagai pengingat teman
Juga sebagai jawaban
Semua tantangan

I picked a star for you to keep
Its calm light gives you protection
As a reminder friends
Also as an answer
All challenges

A song that tells about friendship and is full of enthusiasm. This song also means helping each other in friendship and encouraging us to always get up when we face problems. This music sounds cheerful and it has excitement.


Selamat tidur kekasih gelapku
Semoga cepat kau lupakan aku
Kekasih sejatimu takkan pernah sanggup untuk melupakanmu

Good night my dark lover
I hope you forget me soon
Your true lover will never be able to forget you

This song was created by the guitarist, Eross Candra. The song "Sephia" is about the dilemma of a relationship without status or an infidelity relationship. This song sounds slow but it has deep meaning and easy listening.

This band was originally formed by a group of high school students consisting of Duta (vocals), Eross (guitar), Sakti (guitar), Adam (bass) and Anton (drums) in 1996. At that time they named this band SheilaGank. SheilaGank started performing as a school band which often appeared at high school arts events throughout Central Java-DIY. At that time they often performed foreign songs by Bon Jovi, U2 or OASIS.


After being away for 2 years, they finally managed to get a recording contract with Sony Music Indonesia. They then officially changed the name of the band to Sheila On 7. Meanwhile "SheilaGank" is the name for their music listeners / fans of Sheila on 7. The meaning of "Sheila" itself was taken from Eross's high school friend who was also Adam and Duta's elementary school friend named Sheila. Once upon a time, when Adam and Eross first met, Adam called Eross "Sheila's friend, right?!", and Eross answered "You're Sheila's friend too, right?!", so that name was often mentioned in their conversations. Meanwhile "On 7" means the 7 notes do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si. So the name "Sheila On 7" roughly means their friends who play 7 notes / play music.

Duta cs released their debut album entitled "Sheila on 7" (1999). This album was a huge success with its flagship singles such as "Dan", "Kita", "J.A.P (Jadikan Aku Pacarmu)" and "Anugerah Terindah Yang Pernah Kumiliki". They also managed to achieve several awards.

Pejantan Tangguh (Tough Stud)

Ajari aku tuk jadi pejantan tangguh
Mungkin terlalu lama aku tlah bersembunyi
Menatap mataharipun aku tak mampu
Udara malam pun terlalu menusuk langkahku

Tough Stud
Teach me to be a tough guy
Maybe I've been hiding too long
I can't even look at the sun
The night air was too harsh on my steps

The song is about someone who wants to be a brave man who can conquer a woman and win her heart. The song Pejantan Tangguh is included in the album with the same title as the title of this song, namely Pejantan Tangguh which was released in 2004. However, specifically in Malaysia and Singapore, SO7 released this album as "The Greatest Man". This is due to the negative meaning of the word "Tough Stud" in both countries.


Sheila On 7 hit the Indonesian music scene again with their second album "Sebuah Kisah Klasik Untuk Masa Depan" in 2000. This album was successful in making Sheila On 7 become a top band. His flagship single entitled "Sephia" became a hit among the wider community.

Sheila On 7 increasingly penetrated the foreign music market with her third album "07 Dec". Songs such as "Buat Aku Tersenyum" and "Seberapa Pantas" were able to attract music lovers in Malaysia and Singapore. Without hesitation, they managed to win 3 awards at the same time at the Musik Malaysia event.

The popularity of Sheila On 7 offer the soundtrack project for the film "30 Hari Mencari Cinta". In the film, starring Nirina Zubir, Maria Agnes, Dinna Olivia and Luna Maya, Sheila On 7 contributed 4 new songs such as "Melompat Lebih Tinggi" and "Berhenti Berharap".

Unfortunately, Sheila On 7 was hit by problems when releasing their fifth album entitled "Pejantan Tangguh" in 2004. The drummer, Anton, had to leave Sheila On 7 for reasons of undiscipline. Anton's position was replaced by Brian as an additional player.

Only two years later, Sheila On 7 lost another member. This time the guitarist, Sakti, decided to leave for reasons of continuing his religious education in the Middle East. After Sakti's departure, Brian, who had only been an irregular member, was finally appointed as a permanent member. With Brian's entry, Sheila On 7 released another album entitled "507" followed by "Menentukan Arah" and “Berlayar".

In 2014 was Sheila On 7's last year with Sony Music Indonesia, the label that has managed them since their debut. Under Sony Music Indonesia, Sheila on 7 has made a proud achievement by selling more than 1 million copies for each of their 3 albums. After leaving Sony Music Indonesia, Sheila On 7 chose to pursue music on the indie route.

That's all music content I can share to you guys. I hope you all like and enjoy them, do not forget to listen their songs! ^^ Thank you to everyone who always supports me. Don't forget to always enjoy music wherever you are! ^^


All videos used were gotten from #YouTube

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