Poetic Verses from a Music Group called NOAH (Part 1)

Hello Hivers and all music lovers around the world! When we talk about music, I think it will never end, right? Music is universal, no one doesn't like music, I think everyone living in this world likes music. Especially when we listen to songs that really relate to what we are experiencing, what we feel, what we are facing, and what is happening in life. Everyone enjoys music and it will be carried into our minds, souls and hearts. Moreover, the lyrics have deep and touching meaning. We will really enjoy the music and we will enter a world where it is just us and that song.


This time I will share about a good and famous music group in Indonesia, named Noah. It consists of 3 core personnel, Ariel as vocalist, Lukman as guitarist and David as keyboardist. Noah is able to bring nostalgia to several songs from the 2000s which have been updated and remake into more modern music. Their music is generally of the alternative rock and pop rock genre, most of the songs are written by the vocalist, Ariel. More than nine million albums have been sold in Indonesia, making Noah the best-selling alternative rock music group here in Indonesia.


I chose Noah in my music content this time because I think Noah's songs are very good and the meaning in each of the song lyrics contains deep meaning and uses a lot of figurative words like those used in poetry. One more thing, I have to divide this article into 2 parts because there are several songs that I have to review. I don't think I can just review one song from Noah, because the songs are really good and the lyrics have a meaning that is not stated bluntly.

As a songwriter, Ariel is very talented and produces good and extraordinary songs. The love songs he created were so romantic and the lyrics were poetic. It's no surprise that the girls here really admire Ariel because apart from having a handsome face and charisma, he is also an expert at composing songs and is talented at singing. There isn't a single woman here who doesn't melt into him. hahaha, including me.


When I was still in junior high school, I was one of their fans. This band already existed but its name was not Noah, but Peterpan and it had more members. Their band used to be solid and able to compete with previous and well-known bands. Due to a problem, Peterpan finally broke up and a new band Noah was born whose vocalists were still the same, Ariel and Lukman, and David was a new member who joined Noah's band.


There are several Noah songs that I feel we should review and I invite you to participate in interpreting the meaning of the songs and lyrics in them. Then, I invite you to also see the difference between an old song and a current song that has been remade to be more modern.

This song is entitled Bintang Di Surga, it means Star in Heaven which was originally released in 2004 and the song was remade in 2022. Before we compare them, we will look at the lyrics of the song. I think this is quite difficult for me because the lyrics use figurative words and I hope I don't interpret them wrong.

Bintang di Surga old version

Bintang di Surga new version

Bintang di Surga (lyrics)

Masih ku merasa angkuh
I still feel arrogant

Terbangkan anganku jauh
Fly my dreams far away

Langit kan menangkapku walau ku terjatuh
The sky will catch me even if I fall

Dan bila semua tercipta
And when everything is created

Hanya untukku merasakan semua yang tercipta
Just for me to feel everything that was created

Hampa hidup terasa
Life feels empty

Lelah tatapku mencari
I'm tired of looking

hati untukku membagi
Looking for a heart to share

Menemani langkahku namun tak berarti
Accompanying my steps but it doesn't mean anything

Dan bila semua tercipta
And when everything is created

Tanpa harus ku merasakan cinta yang tersisa
without having to feel the remaining love

Hampa hidup terasa
Life feels empty


Bagai bintang di surga dan seluruh warna
Like star in heaven and all the colors

Dan kasih yang setia, dan cahaya nyata
And loyal love, and real light

Oh bintang di surga, berikan cerita
Oh star in heaven, give a story

Dan kasih yang setia, dan cahaya nyata
And loyal love, and real light

What do you think is the meaning of the lyrics of this song? In my opinion, this song tells about someone who is experiencing something bad or could be said to be sad because in the lyrics he says the sky will catch me even if I fall, so there will be help when someone falls.

He has tried to find a lover who can accompany him but it still doesn't matter. He also felt everything was created and he experienced, he still didn't feel true love, his life became meaningless.

In the chorus, he mentions that the star in heaven is like help and perhaps this refers to God, about faithful love and real light or real help. So, the point is that in every difficulty we experience, even in difficult circumstances, there will definitely be help and we will get something good.

The video of Bintang di Surga is quite interesting. What's interesting about the video clip for this song is that both versions of the story are almost the same and Ariel still plays a role in it, but he just changes his role in the new version of the song. You can see that Ariel, the vocalist in the old version, plays the antagonist role and in the new version he becomes a police officer. We also see the vocalist Ariel's voice type which has also a good change and improvements, it sounds heavier and more powerful.

I have a song from Noah which has 2 versions too. old version and new version, what do you think of these two versions? which one is better to hear and what is the difference? let me know :) The title of the song is "Menunggumu" or Waiting For You.

"Menunggumu" old version

"Menunggumu" new version

I think that's it for now for part 1, I hope you don't mind. Hehehe. Next, I will continue with part 2, so stay tuned. I will do it as soon as possible. Thank you for reading my music content this time, I hope you like and enjoy it. Thank you also to everyone who always supports me.

Have a nice day!


All videos used were gotten from #YouTube

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