Husbands Guide to Surviving a Snow Day. My Actifit Report Card: January 18 2024

It's another snow day. The roads aren't very good so going out is generally a bad idea. My work was cancelled for today and tomorrow. However, my wife has to work as she's an essential worker. Luckily she has an SUV with 4 wheel drive and snow tires so she will be fine.

As a husband though its important to properly approach today. It is easy to think "I can't go out so I'll just enjoy a free day to myself while my wife works".

Bad idea. I have two choices : I can either do housework today and make sure everything is in good shape when my wife gets home. Then have a quiet restful evening with my wife.


I can lounge around during the day then when my wife comes home tired from a long day of work and sees me lounging around a house with a mess all around me...I'll have to spend a couple hours with an angry wife and still probabyl have to do a couple of hours of housework to keep her from getting really upset..

Either way I'll be doing a couple of hours of housework today.

So, in an effort to do as little work as possible and keep things running smoothly in the house here's my list of how to have minimum work and maximum enjoyable snow day.

  1. Make the bed.

Only takes a couple of minutes but makes the bedroom look tidy. Side note: Can't make bed if you are still in it, so no lounging in bed all day.

  1. Vacuum Floors.

    Nicely vacuumed floors make the house look clean. Doing it makes sure that I have one more thing to add to my "chore list" but honestly it only takes 10 minutes. Side Note: Anything hanging out on the floor has to be tidied as well, also making house look better.

  2. Laundry.

Actual amount of "work" time is only a couple of minutes but it does take 2 hours from loading wash to unloading dryer. Still my wife thinks "2 hour chore" so she doesn't complain if it gets done. Side note: Make sure to fold laundry at the end. That's the worst part of the job but leave a bunch of clean but unfolded laundry and my wife just sees dirty laundry.

  1. Baking / Make food.

Today I made biscuits. They take 15 minutes but look like they would take longer. I also decided to make some grape/orange/banana juice. Again only takes 5minutes to put everything in the crock pot but 3 hour simmer. Makes the kitchen smell nice and something to drink with my wife in the evening. Little effort but looks like I did more work than I really did.

Side note: Make sure you do the dishes after! Dirty dishes make the house look untidy. That's what I really Don't want when my wife comes home.

  1. Tidy. Getting rid of clutter in the entry hallway and the kitchen table. Only takes a couple of minutes for makes things look much cleaner when my wife comes home.

  1. Look busy when wife comes home.

Overall I didn't do that much work today but I did move around enough to get my steps in. However, sitting behind the computer or TV when my wife comes home just triggers her.

So, I make sure that I'm busy sweeping away snow (and shovelling a bit) when my wife comes home.

Overall its just doing a bunch of little things. Nothing is big or difficult. It doesn't take a lot of time.

However, doing the little things makes my wife happy when she comes home. If some little things make her happy and give me a better evening?

Well, I'd be a fool not to do them.

That's my report for today.

Until tomorrow :)

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

House Chores

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