My Actifit Report Card and Update: April 9 2021

Hi Actifitters,

I hope everyone had a great week. It's been a strange week here. I thought winter was over but all of a sudden the temperature dropped and it snowed. It snowed for several hours but it wasn't cold enough for the snow to settle for very long.

Mango the dog and I stayed in that day as Mango is not a fan of cold weather. The weather remains cooler than last month but I don't expect anymore snow until at least the end of Autumn.

Some of you might have been scared that Hive had hit by a short winter spell. Price fell by about 50% from our new all-time high. Lucky for us it was just a brief drop as price charges back up. I felt more than 90% certain that would happen as the bull run should last several more months.

My Content


I had a busy week content wise. I posted twice. In my first post, I wrote about a possible cost benefit analysis (CBA) framework for vaccines. I focused on the recently approved Covid-19 Vaccines. The new experimental vaccines have been rushed as a response to Covid-19. Was rushing these vaccines a mistake? If not, who should take these vaccines? A CBA could help answer these questions and more. If you haven't taken the vaccine yet, I recommend that you read this post. It might help you make a quick assessment of whether to take the vaccine or not.


In my other post I made a video about the political spectrum. This video follows up a written post from about a year ago. Many people are caught up in the illusion of the left-right political paradigm. The political spectrum is far broader. In the video, I discuss considering more elements. Do you sway more towards individualism or collectivism? Do you sway more towards nationalism or globalism? Do you sway more towards freedom or order? In the video, I discuss using an octagon model to display these preferences. You can use this model to assess how your beliefs compare with other people as well as political parties and candidates.

In addition to writing posts and making a video, I updated my collection of works posts. I have four collection of works posts that contain all of my posts organised by category. I have done this to make it easier to find my older posts. I update these posts every few months.

That wraps up this Actifit Report and Update. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I believe we could be heading towards an exciting couple of months.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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