My Actifit Report Card: July 22 2024

The surprise of the day: horses, discount and pizza

“If you know everything in advance, you will lie down before you fall,” goes an old saying in the Netherlands.

And sometimes that is exactly true.

Unexpected moments can be the most fun!

Thus, this day began as an average day, until one surprise after another came my way.


The morning began with a fun craft moment with the littlest ones.

Beautiful drawings were made and I taught her the proper pen grip.

In the picture you can see her little hands still in a fist grip.

After all the indoor activities it was time to go outside.

Especially in the summer and vacations we try to enjoy nature as much as possible.


With the big hiking cart we were able to take a long walk with the children.

That's how we came to the horses grazing just outside the village.

Six curious faces looked from their safe seats at the horse with its distinctive headgear.

After an explanation, they understood it was a fly mask to keep out pesky insects around his eyes.


One brave girl ventured closer to the large horse.

Focused on a beautiful white dandelion she wanted to pick, she momentarily forgot about the horse in front of her.

When the animal snorted with a loud breeze, she was startled and quickly ran back to the hiking cart.

The afternoon brought an unexpected surprise: all the children were picked up extra early by their parents, which meant I could also go home earlier.

I made eager use of this sudden free time.

Off to the mall, where the sale was in full swing! With discounts on many items of clothing, I could save my hard-earned money.

Full of enthusiasm, I searched among the racks, looking for the right color sticker (indicating the amount of discount) and beautiful clothes.


And yes, there it was: a perfect pair of black pants with a green sticker (50% off!).

Three pants, three shirts and two sweaters later, I left the store with a full bag and a satisfied feeling.


Unfortunately, because of my shopping adventure, I didn't have time for an elaborate dinner.

So I opted for a quick solution: two frozen pizzas.

Although my son didn't complain, I still felt a little regret.

But with over 14,000 steps on my counter, I forgive myself this quick bite.


So you see, even an average day can be full of unexpected moments.

From horses to bargains and pizza to family time, this day had it all!

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Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

@meraki7578 💚

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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