OzarkLife Wanderings ~ May 2, 2023

We’re finally getting back to normality here in #ozarklife. Our whole household is now Covid-19 free, so work and school have resumed.

It’s fantastic to be able to talk face-to-face again with people, and though I’m still sanitizing and washing like a paranoid maniac, the skin on my hands is starting to recover from the over abundance of Lysol and bleach.

It was a beautiful day here today, very windy but quite warm. In the forest, the trees served as a buffer against the wind. Dappled sunshine through the canopy, the rustle of the leaves, and the gurgling of the creeks were all we noticed.

Spring is quickly turning to summer here.

There was a group of deer in the forest, but they ran off much faster than I could aim my phone to try to get their picture. Other than birds, it was the first wildlife we’ve spotted in ages. Hopefully soon we’ll have turtles and armadillos to photograph!

Mushrooms are also making themselves known; next week is supposed to bring some very warm thunderstorms and I’m betting after those there will be lots more fungi to observe.

Our Greater Pileated Woodpeckers were shy today. I tried to get close to their nest as quietly as I could, but the moment my phone’s camera could focus decently, one had flown off and the other couldn’t be bothered to stick its’ head out for a pic.

The butterflies are everywhere but they’re shy too. They generally land next to me long enough for me to pull out my phone, then flit away before I can even open my camera. Today I was lucky enough to catch this one.

After our trail hike, we headed up to the park to see what the Master Gardeners have been up to, and we also hoped to snap a few more butterflies. They all flitted off, the little teases, but the roses were so pretty glowing in the sunshine that I had to share.

A tulip tree (which is actually a type of magnolia tree) is blooming in the park. After a bit of research, I was happy to find out that these are native to this region. Maybe we can put one in our backyard. I think the green and orange together are delightful!

Have an awesome night/day wherever you are out in the world, fellow Hiveans!

All #photography in this post has been taken by me, @madame-cyntaia, with my iPhone 6, of our #aliveandthriving #actifit #ozarklife. Thanks for reading! 🦋

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Hiking,House Chores,Walking

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