Picking Up Strings for a Purpose

Long weekend came, and it was a perfect time to reset my time closer for myself and some family time.

Especially I am hitting another annual milestone this weekend

Strings are never my best I can offer, but it is still necessary as I was blessed with this 5 years prior covid.

Moreover, to lead a medley, using YouTube pre-set song isn't the most ideal, so going back yo basics was unavoidable.

Not to mention it was big boss Aba instructed 😅😅😅

I even created a short so that I can remember to play along when I am in so much pain I forgot the chords 🥲😅🤕🤣

Practising Verse with Ukulele chords

Practising Chorus with Ukulele chords

But it wasn't that bad when my fingers were less painful, but once the tip of the finger is swollen then it was difficult as the chalices hasn't formed. 😩🤕

My home fellowship were very patient and tried to encourage yhe best they could muster, because there were 2 retired music teachers there. 😅

I am forever grateful 🙏🏼

How about you?

Did you picked up a musical instrument in your younger days?

Until Then

Stay healthy, stay curious and learn new things, and stay happy!

If you would like to give some encouragement outside HIVE with some fiat backing, please feel free to visit: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/littlenewthings

You can also support me in HIVE

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