New Job, New Gym (Tue 6 July 2021)

Photo: My little workout partner and some of the exercise equipment I get to use each day.

My youngest daughter and her partner lost their live-in babysitter/housekeeper recently. On Sunday I stepped in as the replacement. Cushy job, really. Very light housekeeping, occasional shopping, one precocious 6 year old, a retired police dog, a stray cat, a fish, and some chickens.

Plus -- Bonus! -- a nice size room with gym equipment. Oh yeah. I can do this. 馃挭

Due to the hours they work (they are both police officers) I have to stay overnight several times a week. Early this morning while everyone was either at work or sleeping I took advantage of the quiet time to get in a light workout with weights and my own resistance bands.

I also did some writing as well as washing dishes (something I fail miserably at back at home). But the Actifit app doesn't really register those endeavors as activity. Hmmphff.

My granddaughter likes to join me in the gym -- she has her own tiny weights, a mat for summersaults, and she uses the NordicTrack -- so I'll do a longer workout later today. And we'll probably be watching some painfully goofy kid shows at the same time. No pain, no gain, right?

Flash forward to the evening: Today's activities included a bit of walking (shopping) along with trying out the NordicTrack and other equipment and weights for an extended and spread throughtout the day workout.

Let's not forget the game of hide 'n seek either. Trying to squeeze myself into crevices and squat behind furniture that doesn't quite conceal all of me was quite a workout itself.

Tonight is not a sleepover so it's back to the farm to take care of my own chickens and garden as the sun sets. On Thursday I'll be back at the new gym with my pint size workout partner.


Images/Graphics by me, kreisaan. Some images may be edited and/or compiled into photo collages and/or include screenshots from my personalized Bitmoji, Actifit, or other apps

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Elliptical, House Chores, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Walking, Weight Lifting

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