My Actifit Report Card: September 21 2024


Dzie艅 dobry馃憢U mnie sobota przemija wspaniale.Dzie艅 przywita艂em o 5 rano bo trzeba by艂o jecha膰 do pracy.Po dotarciu mocna kawa troch臋 艣miechu i posi艂ek. Kroki zacz膮艂em stawia膰 przymierzaj膮c si臋 do belek kt贸re trzeba by艂o uzupe艂ni膰 we艂n膮 ,akurat za tym nie przepadam a bardziej moja sk贸ra馃槄Lec膮c dalej z tematem w d艂onie taker i filia izolacyjna.Oczywiscie po tych wszystkich zadaniach zosta艂o troszk臋 sprz膮tania ,o godzinie 12 zbieranie narz臋dzi i resztek syfu budowlanego馃おZosta艂 tylko sklep i droga powrotna do domu.Dzisiaj dzie艅 zaka艅czam grillem kt贸ry b臋dzie ostatni w tym roku a nie by艂o ich wiele. Oczywiscie plan wyszed艂 spontanicznie zawdzi臋czaj膮c go s艂onecznej pogodzie.Udanego weekendu馃憣馃檶


Good morning馃憢U me Saturday is passing wonderfully.I greeted the day at 5 am because we had to go to work.After arriving strong coffee a little laughter and a meal. Steps I began to put on the beams that had to be supplemented with wool, exactly what I'm not so fond of and more so my skin馃槄Following the topic in hand taker and insulation felt.Of course after all these tasks there was a little cleaning left, at 12 o'clock collecting tools and leftovers of construction mess馃おThe only thing left is the store and the way back home.Today I finish the day with a barbecue, which will be the last one this year and there were not many of them. Of course the plan came out spontaneously owing to the sunny weather.Have a great weekend馃憣馃檶

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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